Superpower Wiki
"Humanity longs for eternity, to a world beyond time, because time is what enslaves us. Time is an insult."
― Kaecilius (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

The power to exist beyond the concept of time. Sub-power of Spatial-Temporal Transcendence. Advanced version of Temporal Lock

Also Called

  • Time Transcendence


The user exists beyond the concept of time, which makes them absolutely immune to its effects and all that is caused by it time and temporal phenomena/powers. They are ageless and untouchable to anything that happens in time. As their body exists beyond time, they do not expend any energy, and neither need to eat nor sleep or get fatigued, any diseases do not progress, thus rendering them immune to diseases. They may also exhibit regenerative capabilities as a result of their temporal transcendence, as their bodies will always revert to the point in time in which they were not injured.

The user may also able to travel been different timelines, timestreams and points in time as they please because they are beyond the concept of time.




  • Immune only to temporal powers, so spatial powers can still affect the user.

Known Users

  • All Hadou/Gudou Gods (Dies Irae)
  • Bellcross (Heroic Age)
  • Blitzen (Valkyrie Crusade)

