Superpower Wiki
"My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."
― Maya Angelou

The power to thrive and develop from something. Not to Ben confused with Affinity.


Users can thrive; grow and develop incredibly, enhancing their abilities, characteristics and being from particularly from potentially anything that grants them a better state of being (environment, experience, etc).

Being able to vigorously prosper and flourish from even the most dangerous / harshest environments and principles into extremely powerful beings of their very own completely empowered, enhanced and even reform into better version of their former self.

Unlike Affinity users are not just temporarily empowered users are empowered, developed and changed into more stronger, better and reborn version of themselves permanently.




Known Users

  • Slan (Berserk)
  • Nikita (Nikita)
  • Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
  • Sam Winchester (Supernatural)

