The power to manipulate titanium. Variation of Metal Manipulation and Periodic Table Powers.
Also Called[]
- Titániokinesis
- Titanium Alteration/Control
The user can create, shape and manipulate titanium, a lustrous, strong, metallic-white metal with low density that is quite ductile (especially in an oxygen-free environment), with relatively high melting point, and a poor conductor of heat and electricity. It is paramagnetic with high resistance to corrosion in sea water, aqua regia and chlorine.
Because it is biocompatible (it is non-toxic and is not rejected by the body), titanium is used in a gamut of medical applications including surgical implements and implants, such as hip balls and sockets (joint replacement) that can stay in place for up to 20 years.
- Ferrokinetic Constructs using titanium.
- Manipulate the properties of titanium.
- Metal Attacks using titanium.
- Metal Detection titanium only.
- Metal Dust Manipulation with titanium.
- Metal Generation with titanium.
- Move/lift titanium.
- Elemental Flight using titanium.
- Matter Surfing by riding titanium.
- Property Conglomeration with other metal for stronger alloy polymers.
- Ferrokinetic Combat using titanium.
- Ferrokinetic Invisibility using titanium.
- Ferrokinetic Regeneration using titanium.
- Metal Aura using titanium.
- Titanium Mimicry
- Gun Manipulation
- Joint Manipulation
- Metal Manipulation
- Metal Morphing merging titanium with other elements.
- Periodic Table Powers
- Space Rock Manipulation Titanium has been found in meteors.
- May be unable to create titanium, being limited to manipulating only from already existing sources.
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
- Titanium is affected by everything that normal titanium would be, although the user is perfectly able to use their power to return the titanium in its original shape and/or controlling it even under these forces:
- Melt under extreme heat (Fire Manipulation or Magma Manipulation).
- Turn brittle and shatter under extreme cold (Freezing).
- Pure titanium is incredibly brittle and will eventually break under strain.
- By itself Titanium is very brittle, it requires fusion with other metallic elements to maintain resilience as well as acquire new structural properties.
Known Users[]
- Titanium Titan (El Tigre)
- Elizabeth (The Qwaser of Stigmata)
- SCP-2300-22 - Periodic Golems (SCP Foundation)