The power to move perpetually on one's toes. Variation of Omni-Part Movement.
Also Called[]
- Tip-Toeing
The user can perpetually move on their toes instead of the soles of their feet. This can grant the user abilities such as enhanced speed and agility.
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Running
- Enhanced Speed
- Hyper Crawling
- Positional Adaptation
- Animal Imitation
- Animal Morphing
- Avian Physiology
- Enhanced Walking
- Hyena Physiology
- Prehensile Feet
- Wolf Physiology
Known Users[]
- Fred Flintstones (The Flintstones); via bowling
- The Beast (Disney's Beauty and the Beast)
- Arrastra Skye (RWBY)
- Lucario (Pokémon)
- Corrupted Aigami (Yu-Gi-Oh!)