Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"Change! Change! O form of man! Free the prince forever damned!
Free the might from fleshy mire! Boil the blood in the heart for fire!
Gone! Gone! O form of man! Rise the demon Etrigan!!"
― Jason Blood reciting Etrigan's incantation (DC Comics)
"I sing to you now of the beauty of all things, seasons come and seasons go, yet the four winds keep their wings.
Though the credit is mine, for from my lyre rings, A story that would run cold, were it not for my strings!"
― Venti (Genshin Impact)

The power to speak only in rhymes.

Also Called[]

  • The Rhymer
  • Speaking in Tongues


The user can speak only in rhyme. They can do it all the time.
They inexplicably can end all their sentences with rhyme, and even say difficult words just fine.
This could give the user the potential to be a singer or poet. They can speak and get to their point with little effort for it.
This may happen intentionally or innately, whether supernatural or not. This happens mostly with characters within children's stories, poems, songs and art.



  • May be uncontrollable.
  • May be unenjoyable.
  • May be hard to hold a conversation with a less known syllable.

Known Users[]

  • Choose goose (Adventure Time)
  • Gruntilda Winkybunion (Banjo-Kazooie)
  • Bosses (Cuphead)
  • Rhyming Demons (DC Comics)
    • Cthuga
    • Etrigan
    • Lisquinelle
    • Neron
    • Spattlefleck
  • Various characters (Dr. Seuss)
  • Mermaids (Dragon Quest)
    • Queen Marina
    • Michelle
  • Shantotto (Final Fantasy XI)
  • Experiment 124: Rhymer (Lilo and Stitch)
  • Zecora (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • Venti (Genshin Impact)
  • V (Devil May Cry)
    • Griffon
  • Merlee (Mario)
  • Puzzler (Numberjacks)
  • Primer/137th Legionbuilt (Primordia)
  • Michael Tillotson (Deadly Premonition)
  • Bellegar (Divinity II)
  • Deja Vu (Freedom Force)
  • Gravemind (Halo)
  • Umlaut (CarnEvil)
  • Epros (Okage: Shadow King)
  • Jeremy Hillary Boob (Yellow Submarine)

