- "Oh, no. I'm not here to torture ya. I mean, I could. I could inflict Pain like you can't even imagine. I could inflict such delicious, perfect Pain. "
- ― Lucifer to Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
The ability to be knowledgeable on torture without limit. Ultimate expression of Torture Mastery.
Also Called[]
- Supreme Torture Mastery
- Limitless Torture Mastery
- Crudelitas Absoluta (Absolute Cruelty)
Users are knowledgeable on torture without limit, allowing them to inflict unspeakable and often eternal (or at least extremely long) torment upon any individual or concept; even beings such as angels, demons, gods, spirits or conceptual abstract entities can be affected. It would require a nigh-omnipotent entity or intervention from such entity to counter these absolute tortures, and even that may not entirely prevent ever-lasting scars (this is made even more prominent in that often it is nigh-omnipotent characters who are capable of inflicting such torture in the first place).
- Absolute Violence
- Absolute Creativity; over the matters of torture.
- Absolute Insanity Inducement
- Eternal Torment Inducement
- Medical Torture Mastery
- Soul Mutilation/Weakening
- Phoboscience
- Torture Equipment Manipulation (Absolute Level)
- Torture Mimicry
- Trauma Vampirism
Known Users[]
- God (Christianity); via numerous means such as Lake of Fire or Hell.
- Norse Gods (Norse Paganism); chained Loki and forced him to eternal pain via a serpent's venom and godly chains.
- Giorno Giovanna (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind); via Gold Experience Requiem
- Greek Gods (Greek Mythology); countless examples, perhaps best seen in the fate of Prometheus and other Titans.
- Gorr the God-Butcher (Marvel Comics)
- Lucifer (Supernatural)
- Cenobites (Hellraiser)
- Pinhead (Hellraiser)
- Wa Nyudo (Japanese Folklore)
- Dhrukhari/Dark Eldar (Warhammer 40K)
Known Places[]
- Hell (Christianity)
- Jahannam (Islam)