Superpower Wiki
"Total event collapse! Every sun will supernova at every moment in history! The whole universe will never have existed! Please! Listen to me!"
― The Doctor (The Pandorica Opens)
"Smooth move Space Lax! You've destroyed the totality of existence!"
"Its ok, I'll leave a note."
― Kang and Kodos (The Simpsons Treehouse of Horror XVI)

The power to absolutely destroy totality. Sub-power of Omni-Manipulation, and Omnipotence. Technique of Absolute Destruction. Not to be confused with Total Erasure, though the two are similar. Opposite of Grand Design Construction.

Also Called[]

  • Grand Design Destruction
  • The Great Collapse
  • Total Collapse
  • Total Event Collapse


Users can absolutely destroy the entirety of everything. This means every life, the universe itself, every parallel universe, alternate dimension, plane of reality, realm of existence, possible universe, impossible world, all timelines, concepts, alternate continuity, reality, entire multiverses, the Omniverse, and even the void/nothingness itself.

Effectively annihilating everything known, unknown, imagined, or forgotten in all of creation, even up to destroying the very origin of the verse/series franchise, essentially undoing the very act of creation/genesis itself.

Unlike Absolute Destruction, Total Event Collapse is not selective as it is used on absolutely everything on all levels that will be destroyed.




Known Users[]

  • God (Dogma); via being proven wrong
  • Māna-Yood-Sushāī (The Gods of Pegāna)
  • Hajun (Kajiri Kamui Kagura/Shinza Bansho series); via Manji Mandara - Muryou Taisuu
  • Primordial Entities (Mythology/Religion)
    • Absolutes
  • The Nothing (The Neverending Story)
  • Kang (The Simpsons)
  • Angra Mainyu (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Collapse (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Harihara (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Ouroboros (Valkyrie Crusade)

Known Objects[]

  • Everything Bagel (Everything Everywhere all at Once)
  • Accela-Ray (The Simpsons)

