The ability to manipulate poison to increase their maneuverability. Sub-power of Poison Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Poison/Venom Surfing
User controls the poison in a way that increases their ability to move and/or maneuver either by granting them abilities they otherwise lack or allowing them to ignore normally needed equipment.
- Enhanced Speed by riding a wave of the element.
- Sliding 'Surfing' or 'skating' the poison without board or skates.
- Toxikinetic Flight by lifting a part of the poison this can be done by:
- Shaping it into a pillar, slide or something similar and riding it, this forces the user to stay relatively close to the element.
- Lifting a part of it and simply flying away.
- Supernatural Leap by making the poison 'fling' the user in the wanted direction.
Known Users[]
- Kirby (Kirby Series) via Poison ability
- Magellan (One Piece)
- Toxzon (Max Steel 2013)