Superpower Wiki
"Imagine the worst thing that's ever happened to you. Now imagine that it's not just happening to you, but to everyone you care about. That's kind of what evil feels like."
― Big Ears to Chief (Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes)

The condition to become weaker when exposed and/or coming in contact with anything considered evil or impure. Variation of Aversion. Opposite to Good Aversion and Evil Empowerment.

Also Called[]

  • Bad Aversion/Vulnerability/Weakness
  • Evil Allergy/Vulnerability/Weakness
  • Injustice Aversion/Vulnerability/Weakness
  • Villainy Aversion/Vulnerability/Weakness
  • Wickedness Aversion/Vulnerability/Weakness


As a trait, those affected by this become weaker when they come in contact with anything considered evil, malevolent, or villainous. They become weakened by anything related to these things which can even nullify any existing powers the entities affected by it may have. Long-term exposure to the aversion may result in fatal bodily conditions and/or even death.


Side Effects[]




Known Users[]

See also: Allergic to Evil.

  • Captain Planet (Captain Planet)
  • Cupids (Charmed)
  • Alouette (La Pucelle)
  • Harry Potter (Harry Potter); formerly
  • Erik Gerben (Jessica Jones)
  • Big Ears (Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes)

