- "The spiral of origin is the primordial beginning of all things in this pattern of reality. All things pass through the great wheel, their natures and their histories—past, present, and future—are connected to it. It is thus a vast and empty place. It reflects what I am, in a way. I am connected to it, and I am a part of it as well. I am it."
- ― Void Shiki (Kara no Kyoukai 8: Epilogue - page 227)
- "The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him."
- ― Colossians 1:15-15 (The NIV Bible)
- "He perpetuated The Father of all Aeons, who am I, The Thought of the Father, Protennoia, that is, Barbelo, The Perfect Glory, and the immeasurable Invisible One who is hidden. I am The Image of The Invisible Spirit, and it is through me that the All took shape, and I am The Mother as well as The Light which she appointed as Virgin, she who is called 'Meirothea', The Incomprehensible Womb, The Unrestrainable and immeasurable Voice."
- ― Barbelo (Trimorphic Protennoia)
- "I and the Father are one"
- ― Jesus Christ (Bible: John 10:30)
The condition is that of the incarnation of The Supreme Being. Variation of Incarnation and Divine Avatar. Ultimate version of Divine Avatar. Opposite to Satanic Incarnation. Not to be confused with Demigod Physiology, Deity Soul or Deity Reincarnation.
Also Called[]
- Divine Incarnation
- God Made Flesh/God in The Flesh
- The Son of God ( Christianity )
- God/True God Incarnate
- Incarnation of the Supreme Being
- Incarnation of the One True God
- The Almighty Incarnate
- God's Aspect
- Godlike Being/Figure
- Hypostatic Union
- Lord/Lady of All/Benevolence (varies)
- King/Queen/Prince/Princess of All
- Supreme Godly King/Queen
- The Form of God
The user of this power either is or merely has the traits of the One True God or The Supreme Being known in various religions especially Monotheism and Christianity as The Child of God and/or The One True God. Unlike Demigod Physiology, Deity Reincarnation, or Divine Avatar the user is not half-god, a reborn version of a god, or a simple avatar of a divine being, but a being made flesh out of the Supreme Being of their respective existence, being truly the exact embodiment of all godly aspects of the Supreme Being in physical form. This allows the user to access incredible amount of abilities as the fully expressed form of their divine creator and complete uses of their almighty power as they see fit.
This power can be achieved through many ways such as by being chosen by The Supreme Being, having a blood-tie to them, fusing with their essence or just being the greatest force of all in the user's existence. Ultimately, this power grants the user the archetype of the One True God: An all-powerful being, so the user could be a mythological and/or real God and still have this power. Other times, the user can rise to the beyond and become a true and just ruler.
The power functions as an archetype, so even if the user is not the actual God, it represents the entity in their existence (e.g. Aslan) and therefore wields the full power of the archetype.
Associated Powers[]
- Absolute Command: Can command and control all that there is and all there are.
- Absolute Change: Change Anything on an unlimited scale.
- Absolute Will: User's will be absolute.
- Supreme Voice: User's voice cannot be defined.
- Ancient Power/Ultimate Power: the user has power that is unimaginably powerful and could possibility be a long ancient power.
- Absolute Force Manipulation: Control all Absolute forces and Powers.
- Transcendent Force Manipulation: Control the god-like transcendent forces in creation
- Ultimate Force Manipulation: Manipulate the ultimate force.
- Transcendent Force Manipulation: Control the god-like transcendent forces in creation
- Complete Arsenal: Have every superpower
- Divine Force Manipulation: Have control over the divine forces within creation.
- Existence Manipulation: Control existence.
- Meta Power Manipulation: Control every superpower there is
- Meta Ability Creation: Can Create any power they want without limitations on a god scale.
- Meta Miracle Manipulation: Use the ultimate miracle.
- Miracle Manipulation: User can do and manipulate any type of miracle.
- Absolute Force Manipulation: Control all Absolute forces and Powers.
- Angelic Abomination: The users of this power are angels, and not all angels are "beautiful" by human standards; as some look outright terrifying and not remotely human in anyway.
- Anima Power: Have unlimited control over abilities with life.
- Deity
- Esoteric Power: Possess great and unmatched power that have esoteric powers.
- Godlike Martial Arts: user has godly fighting capabilities and combat powers.
- Light Power: Possesses great power that derives from the light.
- Magic Power: Possess immense magical powers.
- Master of All: the user has mastered all there is.
- Omnicompetence: Can handle any situation.
- Omni-Mastery: Master of all skills.
- Omnicompetence: Can handle any situation.
- Messiah: the user is the savior of prophecy and legend.
- Exorcism: Exorcise anyone and anything that doesn't belong.
- Banishment: Banish anything that doesn't belong away.
- Salvation: Save those who need saving in your perspective.
- Eternal Rest Inducement: Grant true eternal rest, free from all conflicts.
- Nirvana Transport: Grants souls their true freedom and liberation.
- Eternal Rest Inducement: Grant true eternal rest, free from all conflicts.
- Exorcism: Exorcise anyone and anything that doesn't belong.
- Mythical Power: user has immense mythical power and abilities.
- Omnibenevolence: Could a benevolent deity or deity-like being whose kind heart is eternal and absolute. (Varies)
- Absolute Charisma: Be truly charismatic.
- Indomitable Belief: have absolute faith and belief.
- Indomitable Humility: be truly humble.
- Indomitable Compassion: be extremely compassionate and kind.
- Magnetic Friendship: Make and be a true and understanding friend to anyone.
- Pure Heart: May possess a heart of virtue and nobility.
- Undying Loyalty: And gain true and undying loyalty from real friends.
- Omicron Being: the User is the alpha and the omega.
- Primordial Force Manipulation: Control the alpha forces that originated everything.
- Absolute Manipulation: Have total control over the absolutes.
- Meta Manipulation: Have total control over all the meta powers.
- Supernatural Manipulation: Have total control over all Supernatural Powers.
- Meta Manipulation: Have total control over all the meta powers.
- Etherius Warping: Warp existence through direct control of ether on a absolute scale.
- Primordial Emotion Manipulation: Have absolute control over the emotional spectrum of powers.
- Primordial Fire Manipulation: Have absolute control and authority over the primordial flames of creation.
- Primordial Light Manipulation: Have control over the source forces of light across creation.
- Primordial Order Manipulation: Manipulate the most ancient forces of order that dictate the flow and function across creation.
- Primordial Particle Manipulation: Manipulate Particles on a primordial level.
- Primordial Physics Manipulation: Manipulate the ancient and purest level of physics in creation.
- Primordial Reality Manipulation: control and command reality in its most ancient aspects.
- Absolute Manipulation: Have total control over the absolutes.
- Prophet: User is a Messenger and agent of the almighty. (Varies)
- Religion Embodiment: Personify the particular faith or creed of any race of being.
- Belief Manipulation: Manipulate the beliefs of people from around the world.
- Civilization Manipulation: Through the indirect influence of culture and it designates.
- Society Manipulation: Control different kinds of societies and their belief systems and cultures from around the world.
- Subordination Manipulation: Command and imbibe on the true faith of countless followers.
- Supreme Monopoly: Have absolute control and influence through all of the world.
- Religion Embodiment: Personify the particular faith or creed of any race of being.
- Spiritual Perfection: Be spiritually perfect in all aspects.
- Absolute Spirituality: Have spiritual power that is godly and absolute in its power.
- Enlightenment: Be completely enlightened.
- Eternal Soul: Have an absolute immortal and invulnerable soul.
- Inner God: The Supreme being they are born from lives inside them.
- Eternal Bond: Have a strong and eternal bond with the true God so great that no power in the cosmos can break.
- Transcendent Force Symbiosis: Have a symbiotic with said Omnipotent being.
- Transcendent Connection: Have a connection with any/all transcendent power sources.
- Supreme Divinity-Light Divinity-Magical Divinity-Cosmic Divinity
- Divine Authority: be imbued with authority from the divine.
- Afterlife Lordship: Have dominion over the concepts of the afterlife.
- Abyss Lordship: Have control and authority over the abyss
- Heaven Lordship:Have control and authority over Heaven.
- Hell Lordship:Have control and authority over all of hell.
- Limbo Lordship:Have control and authority over Limbo
- Purgatory Lordship:Have control and authority over Purgatory.
- Soul Lordship:Have control and authority over all Souls.
- Spiritual Plane Lordship:Have control and authority over the spiritual plane.
- Underworld Lordship:Have control and authority over the underworld.
- Universal Lordship/Multiversal Lordship/Omniverse Lordship/Omniarch :Become the master and ruler of existence and creation.
- Afterlife Lordship: Have dominion over the concepts of the afterlife.
- Divine Authority: be imbued with authority from the divine.
- Tetralogy: Have absolute control over all the aspects of power and knowledge.
- Science-Magic Ascendancy: Have power that transcends that of science and magic itself.
- Almighty Magic: Use an omnipotent kind of magic.
- Almighty Science: have control over the ultimate forces of science.
- Science-Magic Ascendancy: Have power that transcends that of science and magic itself.
- Transcendent Esper: A psychic user of godly power.
- Psychic Power: User has nigh-unmatched levels of psychic powers and abilites.
- Quantum Telekinesis: Have telekinetic powers that are on a quantum level.
- Unimind: a mind that is unified by all.
- Transcendent Physiology: User possess God-like and almighty powers.
- Absolute Condition/Pinnacle Condition: Be virtually unmatched in strength, speed, etc.
- Absolute Immortality: Can never truly die under any circumstances.
- Almighty Mind: Possess an Almighty Mind
- Autopotence: Transcend once existence to its ultimate reality.
- Deity Soul: Be indwelt by the omnipotent being.
- Divine Presence: Cause supernatural events simply by being present.
- Expanded Presence: have a presence that expands and encompasses all.
- Menacing Presence: Have a presence that is terrible yet glorious and magnificent.
- Mesmerizing Presence: Posses a overwhelming lovely presence.
- Warping Presence: Have presence that warps the surrounding area.
- Weatherly Presence: have a presence that affects the weather.
- True Hero: The user could be a true, benevolent and just being who holds the true courage to face and defeat all evil and non-evil threats. (Varies)
- Heroism Embodiment: Users could embody the true concept of what a hero is.
- Positive Embodiment: User is the embodiment of all good and positive things in creation.
- Utilitarian Embodiment: Could embody the values that maximizing happiness and reducing suffering.
- Universal Power: The user wields universal power, a primordial and infinite force of the universe that has a great and indefinite level of power that can grant users dominion over the whole universe, that in its glorious nature, can affect everything within it, including cosmic forces and energies that naturally affect the universe and its principles.
- Living Conduit: Users are an essential host for the one true deity.
- Divine Conduit: Users contain the very force of omnipotent power.
- Divine Resurrection: Resurrect back as a divine being.
- Primordial Embodiment: Embody the primordial source of the God concept and entity.
- Transcendent Embodiment: Users can be an embodiment on a Transcendent level.
- Sephirot Empowerment: As the Avatar of a True Omnipotent God they can tap on the primal, pure forces of creation and divinity.
- Divine Resurrection: Resurrect back as a divine being.
- Divine Conduit: Users contain the very force of omnipotent power.
- Logic Mandate: Can exercise what rules and mandates holding sway over reality and those affected by it.
- Belief Dependent Capability: Can aspire ascension and elevation in devout followers, giving the Enlightened new powers and abilities.
- Belief Dependent Physiology: Become as what you yourself or others portray you to be as they would a divine creator.
- Self-Existence Manipulation: Manipulate how one portrays oneself and they're being.
- Existential Manifestations: Appear to the world at large through a number of means as a number of different expressions of their identity.
- Omnificence: Create absolutely anything at will.
- Absolute Recreation: Recreate any and everything as one desires.
- Absolute Restoration: Restore any and everything as on desires.
- Perspective Designing: Create new perspectives that can change how ones see the world differently.
- Uplifting: For the love and hope of their chosen species, users can uplift their beloved people with great potential, enlightenment and a promise land.
- Deification: Grant their most precious creature in creation the godlike potential.
- Prosperity Embodiment: The user could embody the concept of prosperity and abundance, the power and ability to make people never feel the poverty and starvation.
- Xenopsychic Reality Warping: Enable the reshaping of existences based on the particular thoughts and feelings of individuals. Creating their own personalized ideal heavens or paradise realm.
- John 1:1-14 (New Testament): In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.
- Alpha Divine Physiology
- Alpha Human Physiology
- Angelic Symbiosis
- Angelic Deity Physiology
- Divine Avatar
- Dominion Angel Physiology
- Incarnation
- Monotheistic Deity
- Transcendent Angel Physiology
- The user may be driven to temptation and lose their humanity if not strong enough.
- May be limited by The Supreme Being.
- User could be mistaken for the actual God or possession by the God.
- May be subject to Mortal Limitations
Known/Example Characters[]
- Demiurgic Archangels (DC Comics)
- Michael Demiurgos; God's power
- Lucifer Morningstar; God's will
- Gabriel Hornblower; God's order
- Various Angels (Abrahamic Religions)
- Jesus Christ (Christianity)
- The Angel of The Lord (Christianity)
- Barbelo (Gnosticism)
- Spenta Mainyu (Zoroastrianism)
Video Games
- Loki (Bayonnetta)
- Anui-El (Elder Scroll)
- YHVH Avatars (Shin Megami Tensei)
- Elohim
- Sabaoth
- Shaddai
- Metatron (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Michael (Valkyrie Crusade)
- High Priest (Valkyrie Crusade)
- Arthur Pendragon (Nanatsu no Taizai)
- Void Shiki (Nasuverse)
- Tenchi Masaki (Tenchi Muyo!)
- Aslan (The Chronicles of Narnia)
- Simurgh (The Concourse of Birds)
- Metatron (Unsong)