Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
"Evolution has given animals countless abilities we can only dream of. All the genetic potential hidden in our DNA just waiting to be released. With your investment one day, a pill that last forever. Stop wishing, Start doing, Find your power."
― Biggie quotes specific effects for the pill of project power (Project Power)

The trait for a power, power-set, skill, or enhancement that was gained from super serum pills. Variations of Drug-Based Powers and Superhumanization.

Also Called[]

  • Pilled Serum Enhancement/Empowerment
  • Serum Pill Enhancement


The user has obtained abilities and enhanced traits by ingesting specialized serum pills.




  • Depending on if the serum pill has time limits, the effects of the pill which grants the user abilities may not last forever.
    • Thus the user may have to constantly ingest super serum pills daily.
  • Users may still experience unpredictable side effects from the serum pills:
  • Depending on the effects the serum pill has on physical age, infants/children or teenagers may have better adaptation to the effects of the serum pill than adults.

Known Users[]

  • Leonard Williams/Tyrone Cash (Marvel Comics)
  • Green Light Babies (Arrowverse/Black Lightning)
  • Lynn Stewart (Black Lightning)
  • Power pill users (Project Power)
    • Art
    • Biggie
    • Candy
    • Frank Shaver
    • Flex Man
    • Griff
    • Knifebones
    • Newt
  • Underdog Energy Vitamin pill (Disney’s; Underdog)
    • Shoeshine/Underdog
    • German Shepherds
    • Dr. Simon BarSinister (formerly)

Known Objects[]

  • Combat Enhancers (Marvel Comics/Marvel Cinematic Universe)
  • Perfected Hulk Serum Pill (Marvel Comics)
  • Green Light (DC Comics/Black Lightning)
  • Power Pill (Project Power)
  • Underdog Energy Vitamin pill (Disney’s; Underdog)


