The trait for a power or set of powers that is gained from an empowering crystal/gem, which itself is supernatural and/or advanced technology. Variation of Powers Via Object.
Also Called[]
- Crystal of Power
- Crystal/Gemstone Power Gain
- Extraordinary Crystal/Gem Empowerment
- Magic/Magical/Mystic/Power Crystal
- Supernatural Crystal/Gem Empowerment
The user gains various special powers and/or effects derived through the use of supernatural gems/crystals. The powers gained could be permanent or temporary.
- Self-Power Bestowal
- Summoning - through supernatural crystals/gems
- Weapon Enhancement - through integration of supernatural crystals/gems
- Effects may be irremovable by any means short of the user's death.
- Powers granted may be less-than-expected.
- Side effects may arise from the gem's/crystal's granted powers.
- May be limited to one gem/crystal per person; anymore could lead to death.
- Supernatural crystals/gems are fragile, which, once broken, may result in the user's loss of powers.
- Powers gained may only be temporary.
- Object Negation
Known Users[]
See also: Power Crystal
- Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia); via a Calamity Gem
- Marcy Wu (Amphibia); via a Calamity Gem
- Sasha Waybright (Amphibia); via a Calamity Gem
- Casters (Arknights)
- Infected (Arknights)
- Dragons (Combat of Giants)
- Goggle V (Dai Sentai Goggle V); via Goggle Gems
- Kyoko Hayase/Zeek-Jeanne (Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive); via the Zeek Crystal
- Zeek/Beast Demon Hunter Zeek (Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive); via the Zeek Crystal
- Gnarrk (DC Comics); via a meteorite chest crystal
- Simone Charcot (Smallville)
- Lief (Deltora Quest)
- L'Cie (Final Fantasy XIII); Eidolon summoning via Eidoliths
- Growtopians (Growtopia); via Xenonite
- Eleanor Schariac (Honkai Impact 3rd)
- Kars (JoJo Bizzare Adventures); via the Red Stone of Aja
- Kamen Rider Kuuga (Kamen Rider Kuuga); via Amadam
- Yusuke Godai
- Wizards/Kamen Riders (Kamen Rider Wizard)
- Various characters (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar)
- Dragoons (The Legend of Dragoon); via the Dragoon Spirits
- Mahou Tsukai Precures (Mahou Tsukai Precure!); via Linkle Stones
- Cain Marko/Juggernaut (Marvel Comics); via the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak
- Doctor Spectrum (Marvel Comics); via the Power Prism
- Witches (Ojamajo Doremi)
- Most of the playable characters (Paladins)
- The Jewel Riders (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders)
- Lady Kale (Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders)
- Users of Dust (RWBY)
- Sailor Guardians (Sailor Moon); via Sailor Crystals
- Elemental Princesses (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power): via Runestones
- Tekkamen (Tekkaman Blade); via Teksets
- Ali (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Morganite Starfire Gem
- Bolt (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Garnet Starfire Gem
- Hawk (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Turquoise Starfire Gem
- Jana (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Amber Starfire Gem
- Jason (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Ruby Starfire Gem
- Steel (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Quartz Starfire Gem
- Tenko (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic); via the Starfire Gems
- Female trolls (Trollz)
- Gento Hiruma (Ultraman series); via Blazar Stones
- Shepherdon (Ultraman series)
- Ultraman Blazar (Ultraman series); via Blazar Stones
- Ultraman Victory (Ultraman series)
- Victorians (Ultraman series)
- Sho
- Jewel Girl (Valkyrie Crusade)
Known Crystals[]
- Crystal of Ix (Aladdin: The Animated Series)
- Calamity Gems (Amphibia)
- Originium (Arknights)
- Magic crystal of the four elements (Captain N: The Game Master)
- Etherium Crystal (Castle in the Sky)
- Crystal (Chronicle)
- Ichor/Tiberium (Command & Conquer)
- Goggle Gems (Dai Sentai Goggle V)
- Zeek Crystal (Kyukyu Sentai GoGoFive)
- Platinum Kryptonite (DC Comics); to humans
- Orange Kryptonite (Krypto the Superdog); to animals, last for 24 hours
- Belt of Deltora (Deltora Quest)
- Birthright Jewels (Descendants: Wicked World)
- Metebelis Crystal (Doctor Who)
- Crystals (Final Fantasy)
- Eidoliths (Final Fantasy XIII)
- Height-altering crystals (Gravity Falls)
- Xenonite (Growtopia)
- Red Stone of Aja (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Amadam (Kamen Rider Kuuga)
- Magical Stones (Kamen Rider Wizard)
- G-Stones (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar)
- J-Jewels (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar)
- Red Stone of Aja (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
- Linkle Stones (Mahou Tsukai Precure!)
- Crimson Gem of Cyttorak (Marvel Comics)
- Infinity Gems/Infinity Stones (Marvel Comics)
- Power Prism (Marvel Comics)
- Pip Crystals (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
- Crystal Heart (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
- Geodes (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
- Crystals (Paladins)
- Meteor Crystals (Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie)
- Dino Gems (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
- Energems (Power Rangers Dino Charge)
- Power Stones (Power Stone)
- Dust (RWBY)
- Sailor Crystals (Sailor Moon)
- Silver Crystal (Sailor Moon)
- Rock of Kissteria (Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery)
- Philosopher's Stones/Lapis Philosophorum (Senki Zesshou Symphogear)
- Runestones (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Chaos Emeralds (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Sol Emeralds (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Chaos Crystals (Sonic Boom)
- Lost Crystal of Power (Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal)
- Phantom Ruby (Sonic Mania)
- Aeon Crystal (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012 TV series)
- Teksets (Tekkaman Blade)
- Starfire gems (Tenko and The Guardians of the Magic)
- Power Stones (ThunderCats 2011 TV series)
- Gems (Trollz)
- Blazar Stones (Ultraman series)
- Victorium (Ultraman series)
- Warpstone (Warhammer)
Due to still being connected to the blue stone of the Calamity Box, Anne Boonchuy (Amphibia) can gain incredible powers include increased speed, strength, and intense energy.
Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, and Marcy Wu (Amphibia) obtained full access to their respective gems they represented, gaining immense strength and speed, intense energy, and flight.
Originium (Arknights) is a fantastic substance in the form of black crystal which forms after Catastrophes and is widely used as an energy source but causes the development of Oripathy in living organisms. It also allows the use of Originium Arts.
The dragons (Combat of Giants) derive their powers from the gems they hoard, with a unique bonus effect if used by a dragon of that element.
Ichor/Tiberium (Command & Conquer) is a mysterious crystalline material that arrived on Earth in 1995. It is the most valuable resource used as clean energy and deadly weapons.
Crystals (Final Fantasy) are legendary elemental stones and objects that have power over natural phenomena, and function as a powerful source of magical energy. Many antagonists focus their efforts on seizing the crystals to gain power towards their goal.
The Eidoliths (Final Fantasy XIII series) are crystalline items which Lightning and her party use to summon forth their respective Eidolons into battle.
The Amadam (Kamen Rider Kuuga) is an ancient, mysterious spiritual stone capable of changing living creatures, embedded in the Arcle belt, the source of Kuuga's power and able to extend the lifespan of a person.
The G-Stone (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar) is an energy source developed on the Green Planet by Cain to emulate the natural Zonder-purifying powers of his newborn son, Latio. The resulting green gemstone is capable of converting courage into energy using the GS-Ride.
Soldato J-002 (The King of Braves GaoGaiGar) can harness the energy of the J-Jewel, an energy source developed on the Red Planet used to power the Ark Armada and the cyborg Soldato Division. Since its a copy of the G-Stone, a J-Jewel can also use courage to attain an infinite level of energy.
Cain Marko/Juggernaut (Marvel Comics) gains his near unstoppable strength from bonding with the powerful Crimson Gem of Cyttorak.
Nemesis (Marvel Comics) as the living physical embodiment of the Infinity Gems, possesses all their powers of Space, Time, Power, Soul, Reality, Mind and Ego.
Pip Crystals (My Life as a Teenage Robot) are among the most powerful and dangerous artifacts in the universe.
The Power Stones (Power Stone) are legendary stones of mysterious power that are said to make dreams come true. When three are collected, the collector is able to access a Power Change to become a more powerful version of himself/herself.
The seven Power Stones (Power Stone anime) are each able to grant its bearer incredible power. When the seven stones are united, they can create the Light Stone and bring about an age of miracles and wonder.
The Chaos Emeralds (Sonic the Hedgehog) are a set of supernatural gems that allow the user to do varying things from powering machinery, controlling space-time, to gaining the ability of transformation.
The Master Emerald (Sonic the Hedgehog) has/grants the user the ability to nullify the powers of the Chaos Emeralds and keeping them in check.
Tenko and her friends (Tenko and the Guardians of the Magic) in their super-powered forms granted by their respective Starfire Gems. From left to right: Bolt, Steel, Tenko and Hawk.
The Power Stones (ThunderCats 2011 TV series) are four mystical stones that grant special abilities once they're fused to a weapon, or a piece of armor. From left to right: Tech Stone, Soul Stone, War Stone/Eye of Thundera, and Spirit Stone.
Victorium (Ultraman series) are crystalline minerals that contain a mysterious power that is needed for all life on Earth.