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"For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect."
― Mark 13:22

The condition of being the incarnation of the Devil, Khaos, or another Malevolent Force. Not to be confused with The Devil and Antichrist. Opposite to Godly Incarnation.

Also Called[]

  • Antichrist (Christianity)
  • Dark Emperor/Empress of Evil/Darkness/Hell
  • Devil King/Queen
  • Lord/Lady of Evil
  • Satanic Archetype/Transcendence
  • King/Prince/Queen/Princess of Hell
  • Satan/The Devil Incarnate
  • Satanic Being/Creature/Entity
  • Dark/Evil/Satanic/Malevolent Godly Incarnation (Varies; If the actual entity of evil is a God.)


The user is the incarnation of the Ultimate Evil being known in various cultures and religious traditions, especially Christianity as The Devil or another malevolent Force.

This power can be achieved by either being chosen or possessed by Satan or other Malevolent Force, fusing with their essence or by being the greatest force of evil in the user's existence. Ultimately, this power grants the user of the archetype of Satan or other malevolent Force; the Ultimate Evil Being, so the user could be a mythological god and still have this power. Other times, the user falls from grace and become evil rulers.

The power functions as an archetype, so even if the user is not the actual Satan or other malevolent force, it represents the Being in their existence (e.g. The White Witch) and therefore wields the full power of the archetype.

Associated Powers[]







  • Weak against Holy Powers.
  • Can be rivaled by users of Godly Incarnation.
  • May be driven insane and lose their humanity altogether.
  • May be limited by a higher being, such as a god; unless the being is a god as well but of either an equal or higher caliber.
  • May be mistaken for the actual devil or possession by the devil.
  • Any form of ethical and benevolent redemption voids the power altogether.

Known/Example Characters[]

See Also: Satanic Archetype





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