- "An extra +10 against anything that starts with the letter J. Don't ask why. Don't ask what Vorpal means, either."
- ― Vorpal Sword, Munchkin
The circumstance in which one possesses power sets capable of (or revolving around) counteracting or killing certain individuals or types of creatures. Sub-power of Aversion Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Focused Group Counter
The user possesses specific powers and skills that are focused on countering, defeating, and/or outright killing certain groups (species, gender, moral alignment, etc.).
- Anti-Power Weaponry
- Aversion
- Aversion Manipulation
- Double-Edged Power
- Slayer Arts
- Slayer Force Manipulation
- Slayer Technology
- Slayer Weaponry
- Typically, while especially effective against specific groups, this power is less effective against those outside of said group.
Known Users[]
See also: Man of Kryptonite, Crippling Overspecialization, and Weapon of X-Slaying.
- Kagerou Ootori (Anti-Magic Academy); via Antoinette
- Kyouya Kirigaya (Anti-Magic Academy); via Nero
- Sougetsu Ootori (Anti-Magic Academy); via Innocentius
- Paradis Military (Attack on Titan)
- Wizard slayers (Baldur's Gate series/Forgotten Realms); via Spell Breaker
- Caelar Argent (Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear); via Aster's Edge
- Stalker (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien)
- Farnese (Berserk); via Silver Dagger
- Guts (Berserk); via Dragon Slayer
- Kagetane Hiruko (Black Bullet)
- Kohina Hiruko (Black Bullet); via Short Swords
- Rentaro Satomi (Black Bullet)
- Shougen Ikuma (Black Bullet); via Buster Sword
- Bloodpack (Blade II)
- Nightstalkers (Blade: Trinity)
- Willow Rosenberg (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds)
- Belmont Clan (Castlevania series); via Vampire Killer
- Gabriel Belmont (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow); via Silver Dagger
- Eosinophil (Cells at Work); killing the parasites
- Otodo (Chronicles of Darkness); via Iron Clubs
- Task Force: VALKYRIE (Chronicles of Darkness/Hunter: The Vigil); via Advanced Armory
- Waxillium Ladrian (The Cosmere/Mistborn Era 2); via Vindication
- Black Knights (Dark Souls)
- Siegward of Catarina (Dark Souls III); via Storm Ruler
- Progidium (Dark Universe)
- The Fanatic (Darkest Dungeon: The Crimson Court)
- Chris Gordon (Demon Accords); via Aura
- Atsuo Uchida/Silver (DC Comics)
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics)
- Dark Knights (DC Comics)
- Katar Hol/Hawkman (DC Comics); via Nth Metal
- Last Line (DC Comics); via Radiation Weaponry
- Lex Luthor (DC Comics); via Radiation Weaponry
- Metallo (DC Comics)
- Miranda Shrieve (DC Comics)
- Order of the Van Helsings (DC Comics)
- Project 7734 (DC Comics)
- Reactron (DC Comics)
- Mitsuki Sarue/Sariel (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)
- BlackWarGreymon (Digimon)
- WarGreymon (Digimon); via Dramon Destroyers
- Corvo Attano (Dishonored 2); via specialized armament upgrades
- Emily Kaldwin (Dishonored 2); via specialized armament upgrades
- Angels (Dominion TV Series); via Empyrean Steel
- Starborn (The Dresden Files)
- Eye of the Orc owners (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Dawnguard (The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
- Silver Hand (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Dragon Slayers (Fairy Tail)
- God Slayers (Fairy Tail)
- Devil Slayers (Fairy Tail)
- Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX); via Mage Mashers
- Daren Timbide (Forgotten Realms)
- Keldorn Firecam (Forgotten Realms); via Hallowed Redeemer
- Kelemvor (Forgotten Realms); via Fatal Touch
- Lathander (Forgotten Realms); via Dawnspeaker
- Silver Stake (Forgotten Realms); via Silver Stake gas bombs
- Sothillis (Forgotten Realms); via Kingscar
- Dragon Slayers (Gate of Nightmares)
- Grimm (Grimm)
- Hellboy (Hellboy); via The Good Samaritan
- Samael (Highschool DxD)
- Bard (The Hobbit); via Black Arrow
- Users of the Barbed Cross (inFAMOUS: Festival of Blood)
- Annala Enaz (Journey to Chaos series); via Deathkiller bow
- Moebius the Time Streamer (Legacy of Kain); via Moebius's Staff
- Darklords (Lone Wolf)
- Luigi (Luigi's Mansion series)
- King Stefan (Maleficent); via iron weaponry
- Inheritors (Marvel Comics)
- Marc Spector/Moon Knight (Marvel Comics); via Silver Cesti
- Michiyo Watanabe (Marvel Comics); via Silver Scythe
- Robert Hellsgaard (Marvel Comics)
- Spider-Slayers (Marvel Comics)
- Ulysses Bloodstone (Marvel Comics)
- Pathfinder Ryder (Mass Effect: Andromeda); via Offensive Tech
- Vetra Nyx (Mass Effect: Andromeda); via Turian Smuggler
- Onikirimaru (Ogre Slayer)
- Roy Greenhilt (The Order of the Stick); via Greenhilt Sword
- Prince (Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands); via Djinn Sword
- Rosemary Winters (Resident Evil Village)
- Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Shadowhunters (The Shadowhunter Chronicles)
- Henry Townshend (Silent Hill 4: The Room)
- Megatox (Sonic the Comic)
- Metal Sonic (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Darth Nox (Star Wars: The Old Republic); via Cyber neutralizer
- Special Tactics Group 41-Delta (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- British Men of Letters (Supernatural)
- Crowley (Supernatural); via Angel-Killing Gun
- Grigori (Supernatural); via Angel Swords
- Hunters (Supernatural)
- Trollhunters (Trollhunters)
- Kiritsugu Emiya (TYPE-MOON); via Thompson Contender
- Lancelot (TYPE-MOON); via Arondight
- Saber of Black/Siegfried (TYPE-MOON); via Balmung
- Death Dealers (Underworld series)
- Users of Anti-Vampire Weapons (Vampire Knight)
- Kaien Cross; via Bloody Rose
- Yuki Kuran; via Artemis
- Zero Kiryu; via Bloody Rose
- Gabriel Van Helsing (Van Helsing)
- Haemonculi (Warhammer 40,000); via Hexrifle
- Ordo Malleus (Warhammer 40,000)
- Ordo Xenos (Warhammer 40,000)
- Felix Jaeger (Warhammer Fantasy); via Karaghul
- Star Stalker (Whateley Academy)
- STN-J (Witch Hunter Robin); via Orbo Air Gun
- Witchers (The Witcher series); via Silver swords
Known Objects[]
- Bane-weapons (AD&D)
- Slaying Arrows (AD&D)
- Anti-Titan artillery (Attack on Titan)
- Thunder Spears (Attack on Titan)
- Vertical maneuvering equipment (Attack on Titan); via Ultrahard steel
- Egg Beater (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Anti-magic gun (Arrowverse)
- Speedster weapon (Arrowverse/DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
- Arrows of Slaying (Baldur's Gate series)
- Azuredge (Baldur's Gate series)
- Bone Club (Baldur's Gate series)
- The Burning Earth (Baldur's Gate series)
- Crom Faeyr (Baldur's Gate series)
- Daystar (Baldur's Gate series)
- Everard's Morning Star (Baldur's Gate series)
- Foebane (Baldur's Gate series)
- Harrower (Baldur's Gate series)
- The Kneecapper (Baldur's Gate series)
- Mace of Disruption (Baldur's Gate series)
- Runehammer (Baldur's Gate series)
- Skullcrusher (Baldur's Gate series)
- Sword of Balduran (Baldur's Gate series)
- Wizard Slayer (Baldur's Gate series)
- Dragon's Bane (Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn)
- Eadro's Blade (Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear)
- Elements' Fury (Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear)
- Varanium weaponry (Black Bullet)
- UV Grenade (Blade II)
- Bone Jack (Blade: Trinity)
- Bolt Weapons (Bloodborne)
- E-GUN (Borderlands series)
- Anti-Art Attachment (A Certain Magical Index)
- Croce di Pietro (A Certain Magical Index)
- Cold Iron (Chronicles of Darkness/Changeling: The Lost)
- Cursed Greatsword of Artorias (Dark Souls)
- Ghost Blade (Dark Souls)
- Jagged Ghost Blade (Dark Souls)
- Hollowslayer Greatsword (Dark Souls III)
- Kryptonite weapons (DC Comics)
- Lex Luthor's Warsuit (DC Comics)
- Radion weapons (DC Comics)
- Dramon Destroyers/Dramon Killers (Digimon)
- Axameter (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Concentrated Magebane Weapons (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Dragonbrand (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Dragonspite (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Duncan's Dagger (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Magebane Weapons (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Yusaris (Dragon Age: Origins)
- Anti-Human Weapons (Dragon Age II)
- Anti-Qunari Weapons (Dragon Age II)
- Demon-Slaying runes (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
- Dragon-slaying Runes (Dragon Age: Inquisition)
- Magebreaker (Dragon's Dogma)
- Silencer Arrows (Dragon's Dogma)
- Dragonlances (Dragonlance)
- The Killing Machine (Dragon Quest: The Adventure of Dai)
- Alchemical Silver weapons (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (Dungeons & Dragons)
- Silver Weapons (The Elder Scrolls series)
- Grey Shaft of Nonsense (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
- Spirit-Eater (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind)
- Daedric Weapons (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- Honorblade of Chorrol (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- Rugdumph's Sword (The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
- Auriel's Bow (The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
- Dawnguard Rune Axe (The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
- Dawnguard War Axe (The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
- Dawnguard Warhammer (The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard)
- Soulrender (The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn); when wielded with Bloodscythe
- Dawnbreaker (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Dragonbane (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Drainspell Bow (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Gauldur Blackbow (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Poacher's Axe (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim); via Huntsman's Prowess
- Trollsbane (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Wuuthrad (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
- Weapons with Silver Augmentation (Fable)
- The Bonesmasher (Fable III)
- Gnomewrecker (Fable III)
- Lunarium Pounder (Fable III)
- Swift Irregular (Fable III)
- Trollblight (Fable III)
- Wolfsbane (Fable III)
- Killer weapons (Final Fantasy series)
- Lightning Arrows (Final Fantasy series)
- Gun Mage Dressphere (Final Fantasy X-2); via Fiend Hunter
- Light-based weapons (Final Fantasy XV)
- Dominator
- Durandal
- Orichalcum
- Radiant Lance
- Armorslayer (Fire Emblem series)
- Heavy Spear (Fire Emblem series)
- Horseslayer (Fire Emblem series)
- Bane weapons (Forgotten Realms)
- Genie slayer swords (Forgotten Realms)
- Orcslayer (Forgotten Realms)
- Staff of ethereal action (Forgotten Realms)
- Boson Caster (Ghostbusters)
- Proton Pack (Ghostbusters); via Particle Thrower
- Almain Cutlass (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Anti-Niskaru Weapons (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Makhaira (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Mortrost (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Shadow Stalker (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Titan's Cuff (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Xiphos (Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning)
- Anti-Guana Missiles (Knights of Sidonia)
- Artificial Kabi Weapons (Knights of Sidonia)
- Gatling Gun (Knights of Sidonia)
- Heigus Particle Cannon (Knights of Sidonia)
- Kabizashi (Knights of Sidonia)
- Poltergust 3000 (Luigi's Mansion)
- Poltergust 5000 (Luigi's Mansion 2)
- Hedron Blade (Magic: The Gathering)
- Stormbreaker (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Fin Fang Foombuster armor (Marvel Comics)
- Hulkbuster armor (Marvel Comics)
- Iron Man Armor Model 48 (Marvel Comics)
- Spider-Armor MK III (Marvel Comics)
- Thorbuster Armor (Marvel Comics)
- Godkiller Armor (Marvel Comics)
- Disruptor Ammo (Mass Effect franchise)
- Anti-Synthetic Ammunition (Mass Effect)
- Adas Anti-Synthetic Rifle (Mass Effect 3)
- Dark Beam (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Light Beam (Metroid Prime 2: Echoes)
- Demonbane (NetHack)
- Dragonbane (NetHack)
- Giantslayer (NetHack)
- Ogresmasher (NetHack)
- Orcrist (NetHack)
- Sting (NetHack)
- Sunsword (NetHack)
- Trollsbane (NetHack)
- Werebane (NetHack)
- Axe of Forced Life (Pathfinder)
- Axe of the Dwarvish Lords (Pathfinder)
- Blackaxe (Pathfinder)
- Blade of the Rising Sun (Pathfinder)
- The Briar Blade (Pathfinder)
- Cold Iron Masterwork Longsword (Pathfinder)
- Crusader's Longsword (Pathfinder)
- Deadflesh Waraxe (Pathfinder)
- Demonsorrow Curve Blade (Pathfinder)
- Dragon Slayer (Pathfinder)
- Dragon's Doom (Pathfinder)
- Dragon's Tail (Pathfinder)
- Dragonbleeder (Pathfinder)
- Dragoncatch Guisarme (Pathfinder)
- Dwarf Smasher (Pathfinder)
- Dwarfbond Hammer (Pathfinder)
- Ghoul's Lament (Pathfinder)
- Hammer of Thunderbolts (Pathfinder)
- Heartswood Spear (Pathfinder)
- Heartstake Bolts (Pathfinder)
- Holy Avenger (Pathfinder)
- Lady's Spiral (Pathfinder)
- Manchiller (Pathfinder)
- Masterwork Silver Dagger (Pathfinder)
- Pactseeker's Blade (Pathfinder)
- Raven's Head (Pathfinder)
- Silver Bullets (Pathfinder)
- Spear of the Honored Ancestors (Pathfinder)
- Spirit Blade (Pathfinder)
- Spirit Caller (Pathfinder)
- Stake of the Righteous (Pathfinder)
- Summoner's Sorrow (Pathfinder)
- Silverfang (Pathfinder)
- Warden knives (Rai Kirah)
- Albert-01 (Resident Evil 7: biohazard)
- Ancient Sword (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Flash Arrows (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Harpoon of Thunder (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Queen's Sword (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Sword of Dormin (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Sword of the Sun (Shadow of the Colossus)
- Silver Bullets (Silent Hill 4: The Room)
- Sword of Obedience (Silent Hill 4: The Room)
- Ion weaponry (Star Wars)
- Xenotoxic flechette (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- Xenotoxic torpedo (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
- Anti-Replicator gun (Stargate)
- Kull disruptor (Stargate)
- Replicator disruptor (Stargate)
- Sangraal (Stargate)
- Angel Blades (Supernatural)
- Angel-killing bullets (Supernatural)
- Anti-Vampire Device (Supernatural)
- Archangel Blades (Supernatural)
- Demon-Killing Knife (Supernatural)
- Devil's trap bullets (Supernatural)
- Enochian Brass Knuckles (Supernatural)
- Sword of Bruncvik (Supernatural)
- Vampire Irradiation Gun (Supernatural)
- Vamptonite (Supernatural)
- Witch-killing bullets (Supernatural)
- Zanna-killing knife (Supernatural)
- Quinques (Tokyo Ghoul)
- The Amulet of Daylight (Trollhunters)
- Arondight (TYPE-MOON)
- Balmung (TYPE-MOON)
- Silver weaponry (Underworld series)
- Ultraviolet ammunition (Underworld series)
- The Phoenix Sword (The Vampire Diaries)
- White Oak Ash Daggers (The Vampire Diaries)
- White Oak Stake (The Vampire Diaries)
- Daemonhammer (Warhammer 40,000)
- Psycannon (Warhammer 40,000)
- Specialized Bolter Ammunition (Warhammer 40,000)
- Xenos Attuned Force Sword (Warhammer 40,000)
- Karaghul (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Silver Daggers (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Starfire Shafts (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Vampire's Bane (Warhammer Fantasy)
- Wyrmslayer Sword (Warhammer Fantasy
- Golem Staff (Wizard's Crown)
- Cold Iron (World of Darkness/Changeling: The Dreaming)
- Klaives (World of Darkness/Werewolf: The Apocalypse); via Silver
The Egg Beater (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog) is specifically designed to counter and defeat Sonic the Hedgehog...
The Stalker (Ben 10: Ultimate Alien) was specifically created to counter and defeat all of Ben Tennyson's Ultimatrix aliens (except Nanomech and Way Big).
Willow Rosenberg's (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds) sun-spell is specifically geared towards killing vampires.
The Dark Knights (DC Comics) each have a skill set that is specifically geared to face one member of the Justice League.
Mitsuki Sarue/Sariel (The Devil is a Part-Timer) possesses the power to nullify Sacred Energy, making him particularly dangerous to users of sacred power.
WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon (Digimon) both wield the Dramon Destroyers, special gauntlets that are particularly dangerous against Dramon-type Digimon.
The Hedron Blade (Magic: The Gathering) is specifically geared to face colorless entities like the Eldrazi.
Stormbreaker (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is a powerful Asgardian weapon forged specifically to kill Thanos and counter the Infinity Gauntlet.
Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor (Marvel Comics) is specifically designed to counter and combat the Hulk.
Rosemary Winters' (Resident Evil Village) powers are geared toward controlling and repelling the Mutamycete and all derived B.O.W.s
Megatox (Sonic the Comic) is composed of Mega Mack, a toxic substance specifically created as a weapon against Sonic the Hedgehog.