- "There was no father. I carried him, I gave birth, I raised him. I can't explain what happened."
- ― Shmi Skywalker to Qui-Gon Jinn (Star Wars)
The trait for a character who was the result of a supernatural pregnancy. Result of Supernatural Reproduction.
Also Called[]
- Holy/Unholy Birth
- Paranormal Birth
The character is the result of a supernatural birth. They could be borne by supernatural means like from, divinity, magic, science, etc. Those supernatural forces could produce various supernatural/uncommon effects upon the birth. This usually occurs when a non-supernatural or “normal” being (ex. humans) reproduces with a supernatural entity (ex. angels, cosmic entities, demons, dragons, gods, fairies, vampires, etc.) with uncommon qualities or when two supernatural entities produce with each other. These can cause effects that determine their nature of being and not just specifically supernatural entities but also clones or even “chosen ones”.
- Alternate Reality Creation/Alternate Timeline Creation
- Bionic Physiology
- Cambion Physiology
- Change Sense
- Archetype:Clone
- Archetype:Chosen One
- Hybrid Physiology
- Identical Kinship
- Mystic Human Physiology
- Nephilim Physiology
- Super Fecundity
- Superior Human Physiology
- Supernatural Reproduction
- Transcendent Physiology
- May be uncontrollable.
Known Users[]
See Also: Birth Tropes and Mystical Pregnancy.
- Mwindo (African Mythologies)
- Jake (Adventure Time)
- New Death (Adventure Time)
- Jeff Fisher (American Dad!)
- Connor (Angel)
- Rin Okamura (Blue Exorcist)
- Rei Ogami (Code: Breaker)
- Conner Cornwall (Confinement)
- Tom (Eddsworld)
- Shinra Kusakabe (Fire Force)
- Sho Kusakabe (Fire Force)
- Asclepius (Greek Mythology)
- Dionysus (Greek Mythology)
- Dioscuri (Greek Mythology)
- Guts (Berserk)
- Jesus Christ (Christianity)
- Jonas Kahnwald (Dark)
- Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
- Malacath (Elder Scrolls); said to have been born from the excreted remains of Trinimac, by Boethiah.
- Paxton Fettel (F.E.A.R. series)
- Point Man (F.E.A.R. series)
- Yujiro Hanma (Baki the Grappler)
- Shinra and Sho Kusakabe (Fire Force)
- Sung Suho (Solo Leveling Ragnarok)
- Martin Brundle (The Fly II)
- Adonis (Greek Mythology)
- Aphrodite (Greek Mythology)
- Agrius (Greek Mythology)
- Oreius (Greek Mythology)
- Perseus (Greek Mythology)
- Charlie Kelly (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
- Diavolo (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo)
- Sinbad (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
- Aladdin (Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic)
- Samantha Eve Wilkins/Atom Eve (Invincible)
- The First Human (Unicorn Wars)
- Akihiro Daken (Marvel Comics)
- Blackagar Boltagon/Black Bolt(“Marvel Comics”)
- Laura Kinney/Wolverine II (Marvel Comics)
- Antichrist (The Omen)
- Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb)
- Rosemary Winters (Resident Evil)
- Rosemary's baby (Rosemary's Baby)
- Lancelot (Seven Deadly Sins)
- Kenny McCormick (South Park)
- Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars)
- Verosha and Mae-ho Aniseya (Star Wars)
- Triclops (Star Wars Legends)
- Jack Kline (Supernatural)
- Jesse Turner (Supernatural)
- John Connor (Terminator Series)
- 43 Children (The Umbrella Academy)
- The Umbrella Academy
- Number One/Luther Hargreeves
- Number Two/Diego Hargreeves
- Number Three/Allison Hargreeves
- Number Four/Klaus Hargreeves
- Number Five
- Number Six/Ben Hargreeves (Deceased; Original Timeline)
- Number Seven/Vanya Hargreeves
- The Sparrow Academy
- Number One/Marcus Hargreeves/The Leader
- Number Two/Ben Hargreeves/The Schemer (Altered Timeline)
- Number Three/Fei Hargreeves
- Number Four/Alphonso Hargreeves
- Number Five/Sloane Hargreeves
- Number Six/Jayme Hargreeves
- Number Seven/Christopher Hargreeves
- Lila Pitts
- The Umbrella Academy
- Hope Mikaelson (The Vampire Diaries Universe)
- SCP-4960 - Why the Foundation Funded a Hentai to Awaken a Sumerian Love Goddess (OR: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Kedesh-Nanaya) (SCP Foundation)