Superpower Wiki

The trait for a power, power-set, skill, or enhancement that was gained from genetic mutations which were induced by temporal powers or phenomena. Variation of Power via Genetic Mutation via Time Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Chronon Active Physiology
  • Temporal Mutant/Mutated Physiology
  • Time Mutant/Mutated Physiology

Fiction-Specific Terms[]

  • Shifter Physiology (Quantum Break)


The user can undergo mutation by temporal abilities to receive heightened abilities and mutated physiology through an experiment that may cause the user to change drastically either physically, mentally or spiritually. The user may have received various temporal powers depending on what kind of experiment changed them and the nature of time manipulation.




  • Users are unable to return to being normal beings with certain features that stand out and may cause others to fear them.
  • Mutation may be undone by Space-Time Restoration.
  • Some mutations may have drawbacks or weaknesses.
  • Mutations may strain the user.
    • Much like physical ones, temporal mutations may bring harm as well as good.
  • Some devices may negate the power of a user of temporal energies.
  • Highly advanced users may be incapable of operating in normal time, only able to exist outside of it unless it is frozen.

Known Users[]


