Superpower Wiki
"Did you honestly believe a fifth-dimensional sorcerer would resemble a funny little man in a derby hat? Would you like to see how I really look?"
"I can’t describe what Mxyzptlk then became. He had height, width, depth, and a couple of other things, too. Looking at it made my head hurt."
― Mr. Mxyzptlk and Lois Lane (Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?)

The trait for users that possess uncommon shape. Variation of Unnatural Quality.

Also Called[]

  • Inhuman/Uncommon Shape


The user possesses a physical form that is significantly different from that of a normal member of their species. The shape in question can still be similar, just shaped differently, or be something completely abnormal. These physical changes may be beneficial or harmful, or they may just be notable with no distinct impact on their abilities. A character will commonly gain this power as a result of experimentation that changes their body, but it could also be the result of something like exposure to strange/mystical phenomena. In some cases, a character may simply be born differently. Note that this power isn't for characters with natural physical deformities (i.e., disabilities), but for physical differences that go beyond the scope of what would be possible.





Example Characters[]


