- "You magic users can't seem to do anything without your wands."
- ― Mash Burnedead to Innocent Zero (Mashle Magic and Muscles)
- "Well Pinyon, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is there is nothing wrong with you! No curses, no hexes, no ailments of any kind. The bad news is what this means. There is no reason for your magical shortcomings. Chances are you are simply a dud. [...] Look kid, almost all witches find their familiar and powers before age 13. You've never even spoken to an animal before. There's just no way that you're a witch."
- ― Witch Doctor (Unfamiliar)
The trait of having no supernatural/esoteric powers. Primary trait of Normal Folk and Badass Normal. Opposite to Superpowered Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Normal Physiology
- Powerless Physiology
- Unpowered Physiology
The trait of a being that lacks supernatural/esoteric powers within their society/reality.
For those physiologies that have superpowers, an unpowered condition can still be induced through negation, deactivation, erasure inversion, destruction, etc.; whatever the case may be, the user becomes an unpowered being and/or were always unpowered.
- Gadget Proficiency
- Real-Life Powers; the only level available to them
Known Users[]
See also: Un-Sorcerer and Muggles.
- Asta (Black Clover)
- Rygart (Broken Blade)
- Tomoyo Daidouji (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Meiling Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Akiho Shinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
- Louise the Zero (The Familiar of Zero)
- Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- Rock Lee (Naruto); somewhat
- Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
- Maki Zenin (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Toji fushigoro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
- Oldtypes (Mobile Suit Gundam)
- Humans (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
- Quirkless Individuals (My Hero Academia)
- Iwao Oguro/Knuckle Duster
- Tomoko Shiretoko/Ragdoll
- Izuku Midoriya; formerly
- Yuga Aoyama; formerly
- Lilin/18th Angel/Humanity (Neon Genesis Evangelion); before Human Instrumentality
- Touta Konoe (UQ Holder!)
- Non-benders (Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra)
- Sokka
- Asami Sato
- Pema
- Ty Lee
- Mai
- Ben Tennyson (Ben 10); without the Omnitrix
- Various Characters (DC Comics)
- Bat Family
- Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle
- Bruce Wayne/Batman
- Damian Wayne/Robin
- Richard Greyson/Nightwing
- Jason Todd/Red Hood
- Tim Drake/Red Robin
- Oliver Queen/Green Arrow
- Bat Family
- Ordinary Guy (Darkwing Duck)
- Syndrome (The Incredibles)
- Homo sapiens (Marvel Comics)
- Clint Barton/Hawkeye
- Tony Stark/Iron Man
- Zayla (Marvel Rising)
- Various Characters (Powerpuff Girls)
- Muggles (Harry Potter)
- Squibs (Harry Potter)
- Mortals (Riordanverse)
Live Television/Movies[]
- Charles Gunn (Angel)
- Winifred Burkle (Angel)
- Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
- Bluepills (The Matrix)
- Kaz (Mighty Med)
- Oliver (Mighty Med)
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural)
- Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Video Games[]
- Tyrael (Diablo 3)
- Hajime Hinata (Danganronpa); formerly
- Magicless individuals (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland)
- Erik Venue
- Gidel
- The Prefect of Ramshackle Dorm (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland)
- Garleans (Final Fantasy XIV)
- Mortals (God of War)
- Rulue (Puyo Puyo)
Web Animation/Comics/Original[]
- Entity 1/Humans (The Backrooms)
- Mercury Black (RWBY)
Toji Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen) was born with a binding vow that resulting in him having zero cursed energy, something once believed impossible.
Following the death of her sister, Maki Zenin (Jujutsi Kaisen) lost the remainder of the cursed energy.
Rock Lee (Naruto) possesses a unique condition that renders him incapable of molding Chakra, making him unable to use ninjutsu or genjutsu in any capacity.
In order to retrieve his brother from the Truth, Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist) gave up his Gate of Truth, permanently robbing him of his ability to perform Alchemy.
Touta Konoe (UQ Holder!) was born with both Asuna Kagurazaka's Magic Cancel and Negi Springfield's Magia Erebea, which mutually cancel each other out and render him incapable of performing magic.
While Bruce Wayne/The Batman (DC Comics) has no superhuman abilities, he is able to keep up with meta humans through his mastery of nearly every skill available to humans.
Like his former mentor, Dick Grayson/Nightwing (DC Comics) has no superpower, but he takes advantage of his natural flexibility, years of combat training, investigative abilities, and innate ingenuity as well as his years of training under Batman to fight superhuman opponents.
Like his former mentor, Jason Todd/Red Hood (DC Comics) has no superpower, but he takes advantage of his natural street sense, years of combat training, investigative abilities, martial arts, and gadget mastery as well as his years of training under Batman and his own continued training to fight superhuman opponents.
Like his partner, Tim Drake/Robin (DC Comics) has no superpower, but he takes advantage of his natural genius and investigative skills, years of combat and parkour training, and maturity, as well as his years of training under Batman to fight superhuman opponents.
Live Television[]
Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) is the only one amongst the Scooby Gang with no supernatural powers.
Video Games[]
Hinata Hajime (Danganronpa) is a student of Hope's Peak Academy, a special school designed for those demonstrating immense talent or skill. However, Hajime possesses no unique abilities and was only accepted due to his parent's money.
Erik Venue (Disney: Twisted-Wonderland) is a magicless Twisted Wonderland native. His son Vil Schoenheit is capable of magic.