Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki
" When God made the earth and sky, flowers and the trees, He then made all the animals, the birds and the bees.
When His work was finished, not one was quite the same. He said, "I'll walk this earth of mine and give you all a name."
And so He travelled land and sea, and everywhere He went, a little creature followed him until its strength was spent.
When all were named upon the earth and in the sky and sea, the little creature said, "Dear Lord, there's not one left for me."
The Father smiled and softly said, "I've left you till the end, I'll turn my own name back to front, and call you 'dog,' my friend."


― Unknown Author.

The power to to be a canine of godly power. Variation of Transcendent Animal Physiology and Transcendent Physiology. Advanced Form of Canine Physiology. Not be confused with Canine Deity Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Absolute/Supreme/Ultimate Canine/Dog/Hound
  • Canine/Doglike Transcendence


A user with this ability either is or can transform into a canine who has ascended to a state above others of their kind to rival gods. Unlike Canine Deities, they are not actual Gods.

Note: This page can also cover other caninformia.





Known Users[]

  • Qutrubs (Arabian Folklore)
  • Tiangou (Chinese Folklore)
  • Aamon (Demonology)
  • Astaroth (Demonology)
  • Garm (God of War: Ragnarök)
  • Fenrir (God of War: Ragnarök); after possessing Garm
  • Cynocephali (Greek Mythology)
  • Golden Dog (Greek Mythology)
  • Cerberus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Great Dog Yokai (Inuyasha)
  • Shukaku (Japanese Folklore)
  • Inugami (Japanese Folklore)
  • Dai Gitsune (Japanese Folkore)
  • Dai Tanuki (Japanese Folklore)
  • Shukaku (Naruto)
  • Kurama/Nine-Tails (Naruto)
  • Yamato (One Piece); via the Inu Inu no Mi, Model: Okuchi no Makami
  • Fenrir (Norse Mythology)
  • Xolotl (Aztec Mythology)
  • Droopy (Tom & Jerry/Droopy)
  • Chikn Nuggit (Chikn Nuggit)

