Superpower Wiki
"Ruler of Apokolips! Wielder of Holocaust! Disciple of power and death! "
― Jack Kirby

The power to manipulate transcendent powers.

Also Called

  • Diety/God/Godly Force/Power Manipulation
  • Transcendent Power Manipulation


Users of this power possesses and can to utilize unbelievable power than beyond that of worldly comprehension. This ability not only grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of godlike abilities, but also allows them to fight on par with, or possibly overwhelm other beings of transcendent power. Users can also wield forces be they of life, death, the mind, the spirit, divine, demonic, angelic, positive, negative, of benevolence, of malice, foreign, cosmological, universal, multiversal, absolute, primordial, apocalyptic, etc, and control them with absolute power



  • User might be still vulnerable to those of a higher existence.

Known Users

  • Users of the Source (DC Comics)
  • Users of The Seven Forces of the Universe (DC Comics)
  • Users of the Power Cosmic (Marvel)
  • Goblin Force Hosts (Marvel Comics)
  • Phoenix Force Hosts (Marvel Comics)
  • Psi-Force Hosts (Marvel Comics)
  • Thor (Marvel); via the Odin Force
  • Eternity (Marvel Comics)