Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a transcendent merfolk. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Ultimate version of Merfolk Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Mer/Merfolk Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
  • Transcendent Mer/Merfolk Mimicry
  • Transcendent Mer/Merkind/Mermaid/Merman/Merpeople Mimicry/Physiology


User with this ability either is or can transform into a merfolk who has ascended to or always had a godly state, being one of the most powerful merfolk in existence.

Applications (General)[]

Applications (Detailed)[]

  • Alpha Merfolk: Being the most vastly superior of their species, the user may command legions of Merfolk's.
  • Ocean Lordship: The user has authority and control over the ocean, a place where sea monsters and even prisoners stay. The user can control the sea and storms as they see fit.
  • Prime Being: The user is the prime being that originated/created a species and all its variations, making them essentially the most powerful among their race, having utmost power and authority over other beings of its kind. The prime beings do not always possess the power to create life forms, but possess the original or main gene that all others derive from. The user can even control or destroy their own species.
  • Water Deity: As the user is transcendent they could be considered a god/goddess or have the powers of one who represents or is associated with Water, the Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Streams, Wells, Springs, Rain and Floods. A Water Deity is a deity in mythology associated with water or various bodies of water. Water deities are common in mythology and were usually more important among civilizations in which the sea or ocean, or a great river was more important. This was the domains of Lake/River and Sea Deities. Another important focus of worship of water deities has been springs or holy wells. As well as Rain/Flood Deities with water coming from the skies.




Known Users[]

  • Sea Deities (Folklore/Mythology)
    • Atargatis (Assyrian Mythology)
    • Poseidon/Neptune (Greco-Roman Mythology); in some mythology, especially with Neptune.
    • Phorcys (Greek Mythology)
    • Triton (Greek Mythology)
    • Eurynome (Greek Mythology)
    • Nereus (Greek Mythology)
    • Sedna (Inuit Mythology)
    • Dagon (Mesopotamian/Canaanite Mythologies)
    • Nyai Roro Kidul (Indonesian Mythology)
    • Iara (Brazilian Mythology)
    • Yemoja (Yoruba Religion)
    • Olokun (Yoruba Religion)
    • Oshun (Yoruba Mythology)
    • Mami Wata (West, Central and Southern African belief systems)
  • Black Pearl Cookie (Cookie Run: Kingdom)
  • Neptune (DC Comics)
  • Poseidon (DC Comics)
  • Triton (DC Comics)
  • AncientMermaidmon (Digimon)
  • Eadro (Dungeons and Dragons)
  • Queen Mermaid (Legend of the Cryptids)
  • Damia (Legend of Dragoon)
  • Ursula (The Little Mermaid); with King Triton's powers
  • Thassa (Magic the Gathering: Theros)
  • Svyelun (Magic the Gathering: Dominaria)
  • Calliope (Nightmares from the Deep: The Siren’s Call)
  • Mermaid (Rite of Passage: Lost Tides)
  • King Neptune XIV (Spongebob Squarepants)
  • Skylla’s Ancestors (The Sea in You)

