Superpower Wiki

The power to use the traits of a transcendent monster. Variation of Monster Physiology and Transcendent Mythic Physiology. Advanced Version of Alpha Monster Physiology. Related to Human Monster Physiology. Not to be confused with Divine Monster Physiology

Also Called[]

  • Transcendent/Godlike/Godly/Divine/Holy Monster Physiology
  • Monster Deity/God/Goddess Physiology


The user is or is able to transform into a monster of godly power, allowing them to overpower most other monsters and beings they encounter.


  • Almighty Ascension/Nigh-Omnipotence/Contingent Omnipotence: Ascend and gain virtual omnipotence surpassing cosmic entities, deities, supernatural beings and many other forces by using several means to achieve unparalleled power, becoming nigh-omnipotent being. Even though rare one could wields supreme power, but they have some form of limitation/weakness that limits them from being truly omnipotent. (Varies)
  • Magical Divinity: The user has the magical form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the magical divinity users divine beings by nature, which is a status that can be obtained several ways.
  • Monster Divinity: The user has the monster form of dark divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane, making the monster divinity users divine beings by nature, a status which can be obtained several ways. Users can gain this type of divinity by having a monster ancestry, being transformed into a monster either by another more powerful monster divinity, a deity, higher being, by faith, channels, acts as a vessel for, the power/soul of a deity, to mimic/steal powers from a divine monster, or be enhanced/evolved to the point of godhood.
  • Alpha Monster/Apex Predator: An alpha monster; a superior member of all kinds of monsters who surpasses them all, in all variety of forms and breeds regardless of their nature. Known as an apex predator, a vastly superior predator in the known world, with a fearsome capacity for hunting down practically any species in their ecosystem, even other predators.
    • Monstrous Power:Users can wield the power of monsters, a unique and otherworldly form of powers that come from extraordinary creatures that possess various forms of paranormal traits and qualities that grant them incredible abilities and appearances based on their supernatural source/origin. This can be derived from a variety of forces be it magical, scientific, divine, spiritual, etc. This power enables users to access these extraordinary abilities by connecting or controlling monsters, making deals with monsters, and fusing with the monsters to gain their powers or even being part monster.
  • Demoniac: Described as a demon. While they are by no means an actual demon, they are referred to, described as or possess certain aspects and capabilities that make them incredibly dangerous and ruthless to the point they are called a demon.
  • Legendary Status: Being monster royalty one has a legendary status. They are widely known and are famous for their abilities. If the character/object is a collectable, they are widely sought after and even feared.
  • Ultimate Being: The user is an ultimate being: a being that is described as an entity that is perfect in everyway without limits, having limitless potential, infinite beauty, unimaginable power and surpassing almost everyone. The user's status can range from being the finest example of their race to being the most powerful life-form in the universe. Users may even be capable of becoming a physical god. (Varies)
    • Genetic Perfection: Be biologically and genetically perfect in every respect, they have attained the pinnacle of biological and genetic enhancement.
    • Illusionary Perfection:The user is in a condition, state and quality of being that takes the appearance/perception of being free from any possible form of flaw or defect, but has certain limits/weaknesses that restrict their being and prevents them from attaining complete perfection, as they aren't fundamentally perfect to begin with. They may be faultless on specific fields with almost limitless abilities, but despite their perceived unlimited number of flawlessness, the users can only reach and develop to near-perfection or falsely mimic it which can still make them a lot better than anyone else.
    • Omicron: These extremely rare and unique beings are by far the most powerful being in their universe as both an Alpha and Omega member of the known race as they are extremely capable of accomplishing superior and excellence of physique and mental acumen, that it can reach to the very peak of the their power whilst tethered to an enigmatic force that fuels or advances their natural proclivities that transcends their already incredible power to untold levels. (Varies)





Known Users[]

  • Gohma Vlitra (Asura's Wrath)
  • Brethren Moons (Dead Space)
  • Si'vaa (DC Comics)
  • Urizen (Image Comics)
  • Kairos the Destroyer (Kong: The animated series)
  • Mangog (Marvel Comics)
  • The Incredible Hulk (Marvel Comics)
  • Garou (One Punch Man); via God - Cosmic Fear
  • Lord Orochi (One Punch Man)
  • Chaos (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
  • Iblis (Sonic the Hedgehog series)
  • Dark Gaia(Sonic the Hedgehog series)
  • Godzilla Earth (GODZILLA Anime Trilogy)
  • Godzilla Ultima (Godzilla: Singular Point)


