The power to use the traits and/or physiology of a transcending pathogen. Variation of Pathogen Mimicry and Transcendent Physiology
Also Called[]
- Supreme/Ultimate/Unlimited Bacterium/Prion/Viral/Virus Form/Mimicry/Physiology
- Transcendent Bacterium/Prion/Viral/Virus Form/Mimicry/Physiology
The user with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into a sentient form of bacteria, virus, prion, and/or another type of infectious organism that transcends the common delimitations of their single-cell microorganism physiology; microorganisms can journey into the depths of various organism and break them down from inside out, for sure, and adding on their evolved predisposition much farther in terms of performance.
They can possibly assimilate the organisms' make-up to a genetic level, then incorporate it into themselves; they are capable of infecting any foreseeable organism and encroach their functionality to failure or hijacking, even physical and non-physical components of reality.
The user can manifest themselves in a multitude of forms, depending on the level of infection they acquire: A collective of microscopical pathogens commanded through a hive-mind network, aware of their own constitution at all times, or a single organism.
- Absolute Organic Manipulation: Can create, shape, and manipulate infinitely anything that is organic.
- Biological Singularity: User is a biological singularity, a strictly biological organism that underwent a singularity on their evolutionary potential.
- Absolute Bio-Energetic Sourcing: User's body is capable of bio-energetically containing an infinite amount of ambient energy.
- Bio-Energy Matter Manipulation: Can control and produce a semblance that is naturally both energy and matter.
- Biomass Manipulation: Can manipulate biomass, an energy source consisted of the biological material from living organisms.
- Evolutionary Immortality: Can become immortal due to their evolutionary process.
- Eternal Evolution: Has the capability to evolve past any and all restrictions, enabling them to evolve endlessly and infinitely without limit.
- Microorganism/Superorganism Manipulation: Can create, shape and manipulate microorganisms and superorganisms.
- Microorganism/Superorganism Physiology: Either is or can become microorganisms and superorganisms.
- Biological Transmutation: Can transmute organic matter (i.e. living beings or non-sentient biomass) into different forms.
- Microorganism/Superorganism Physiology: Either is or can become microorganisms and superorganisms.
- Absolute Bio-Energetic Sourcing: User's body is capable of bio-energetically containing an infinite amount of ambient energy.
- Biological Singularity: User is a biological singularity, a strictly biological organism that underwent a singularity on their evolutionary potential.
- Contagious Influence: Can physically and mentally warp the core of others.
- Mass Consciousness: Possesses a mass consciousness, can bring other beings into their consciousness.
- Genetic Consciousness: The user's cognizant to a genetic scale, meaning their consciousness survives even with a strand of their DNA.
- Self Supremacy: Fully aware of everything that composes it and has full control over everything that composes it.
- Self-Sufficiency: Completely self-sufficient and can overcome any obstacle without outside help.
- Self Supremacy: Fully aware of everything that composes it and has full control over everything that composes it.
- Possession Pathogen: Can transform unwilling hosts into living passages via viral infection.
- Adaptive Possession: Can adapt while they are taking over things, thereby increasing their abilities.
- Multi Possession: Can possess or take over the bodies of multiple living beings at once, whether sentient or not.
- Remote Possession: Can host themselves into another body without the need for actual entry within their being.
- Adaptive Possession: Can adapt while they are taking over things, thereby increasing their abilities.
- Technology Imitation: Can use/imitate technology powers, they can become more like a robot, be more like a computer and so on.
- Bio-Tech Manipulation: Can control organic or pseudo-organic technology to create things with their mind, to any number of useful effects.
- Bio-Technology: Advanced master of genetic-engineering, able to create complex biological systems rivaling what we call "technology".
- Bio-Tech Manipulation: Can control organic or pseudo-organic technology to create things with their mind, to any number of useful effects.
- Existential Pathology: Generate and unleash cross-dimensional contagious infection that can make users the pinnacle of organism infection.
- Pestilence Derivation: Being the force of pestilence are given instant and total dominion over all the powers of disease.
- Unidemic Creation: Can create an unidemic: an infectious outbreak that spreads beyond the planet it originated.
- Physical Warping
- Transcendent Parasite Physiology
- Transcendent Technorganic Physiology - As a technorganic viral pathogen.
- As powerful as the pathogen is, a cure may be found.
- There may be others who are immune.
Known Users[]
- The Pangean (ABC Comics)
- Technocyte Virus (Dark Sector)
- Devastator (DC Comics)
- Shirak (DC Comics)
- Necromorphs/The Brethren Moons (Dead Space)
- The Flood (Halo)
- Incitors (Marvel Comics)
- Phalanx (Marvel Comics)
- Technarchy (Marvel Comics)
- Phazon/Leviathans (Metroid Prime)
- Blacklight (PROTOTYPE)
- Abraham Dusk (Wildstorm Comics)
- Little Green Men (Wildstorm Comics); via fusion with God Spartan
- Steer (Existence; Manhwa)
- Purity (The X-Files)
Known Items[]
- Doomsday Virus (DC Comics)