Superpower Wiki

The power to become a spirit/spiritual being of godly power. Variation of Transcendent Physiology. Advanced form of Spirit Physiology. Not to be confused with Transcendent Ghost Physiology.

Also Called

  • Godlike/Transcendent Soul/Spiritual Being/Physiology


Users of this ability either is or can become a spirit/spiritual being of transcendent/godlike power. Users of this possess incredible power above the class of all manner of spiritual beings, having unimaginable powers and status beyond that of any spirit no matter of their nature. Users has absolute supernatural and spiritual powers able to effect control all of existence as much as they have total lordship over all things regardless if they are mundane, supernatural, living, dead and so on.

Because godlike spirits are of spiritual nature they can be perceived as incorporeal beings, however because of their transcendent nature users are capable of influencing all things as universal, effect things like actual physical beings, creating physical avatars of their own making, and many more abilities beyond their worlds.





Known Users

  • The Holy Spirit (Christianity)
  • The Great Spirit (Native Americans Mythology)

