Superpower Wiki
"LISTEN! Elves, spirits, and whatnot have a secret name they can never tell people! That's your true name! Your true name governs your true form. You went back to this form because you chanted it! And if somebody finds out your true name, it means he'll have control over you! So never tell anyone! Unless it's someone you can really trust!"
― Ivalera (Berserk)
"Anything covered by the ink of my Ichimonji loses its name. That which has no name can hold no power."
― Ichibē Hyōsube (Bleach)
"The name is the thing, and the true name is the true thing. To speak the name is to control the thing."
― Ursula K. Le Guin (The Rule of Names)

The power to manipulate true names. Advanced version of Identity Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Metaphysical Name/Identity Manipulation
  • Original Name Manipulation
  • Ren
  • Nomenclature (Mummy: the Resurrection)


Users can manipulate 'true names' - an individual's metaphysical essence that sets it apart from everything else. Unlike one's identity, one's true name governs on the most fundamental level, essentially being the basis of everything's uniqueness. From people to individual atoms, each one has a metaphysical identity that creates individuality throughout totality.

By manipulating true names, users can control the very essence of everything, such as stripping them of their characteristics, giving them new ones, etc.





Known Users[]

See Also: I Know Your True Name.

