Superpower Wiki

Power to use the abilities of tsukumogami. Variation of Yokai Physiology and Inanimate Object Physiology.

Also Called

  • Living Object Physiology
  • Tsukumogami Mimicry


User with this ability either is or can transform into an Tsukumogami, concept generally understood to be applied to virtually any object, “that has reached their 100th birthday and thus become alive and self-aware,” though even this broad definition is not without its controversy.

Although many tsukumogami are able to transform into animate, even humanoid form, others are limited to manifesting an illusory replication (if one that has temporary physical form). Their personalities can range from harmless and friendly beings to horrifying and vengeful spirits, depending on how they were treated and used.



Types of Tsukumogami

  • Abumi-guchi - A furry creature formed from the stirrup of a mounted military commander that works for Yama Orochi.
  • Bakezōri - A possessed pair of straw zori sandals.
  • Chōchinobake - An animated lantern, also known as Burabura.
  • Ittan-momen - A roll of cotton.
  • Kasa-obake - An animated umbrella.



  • Most tsukumogami keep the weaknesses their original form had.

Known Users

  • Lizlet L. Chelsie (Omamori Himari)
  • Yura of demon hair (Inuyasha)
  • Kogasa Tatara (Touhou)
  • Kiriha (Tsugumomo)