The power to maneuver around tunnels. Sub-power of Hyper Maneuverability and Tunnel Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Tunnel Maneuverability
The user can run around the top or side of tunnels and passageways as if they were an inverted halfpipe. They can thus defy gravity and not fall off the side or top of such areas as they go at high speeds.
- Acceleration
- Enhanced Agility/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced Athleticism/Supernatural Athleticism
- Enhanced Speed/Supernatural Speed
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Flowmotion
- Gravity Defiance
- Hyper Maneuverability
- Passageway Manipulation
- Tunnel Manipulation
- Unrestricted Movement
- May be able to maneuver around tunnels for a short time.
- May need to focus to keep going.
Known Users[]
- E. Aster Bunnymund/The Easter Bunny (Rise of the Guardians)
Known Objects[]
- 1987 Ford LTD Crown Victoria (Men in Black)