The power to create pathways to the underworld. Sub-power of Afterlife Border. Opposite of Paradise Entrance. Variation of Portal Creation. Not to be confused with Hell Gate.
Also Called[]
- Underworld Gate/Pathway/Portal Creation/Generation
User can open a pathway to the underworld, the realm of the dead located below the realm of the living.
- Hell Gate
- Damnation (Deceased Only; Varies on Belief)
- Portal Creation
- May lose control of the path to the underworld and may lose souls that dwell there.
- Opening such path may release unknown entities to the other side.
Known Users[]
- Peppermint Butler (Adventure Time)
- Inuyasha (Inuyasha); via Meido Zangetsuha
- Poseidon (Age of Mythology)
- Mr. Gold (Once Upon a Time)
- Whale King Moon (Toriko)
- Jentry Chau (Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld)
Known Objects[]
- Dark One's Dagger (Once Upon a Time)