Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate unfreedom/freedom. Sub-power of Status Manipulation, Primordial Order Manipulation and Primordial Chaos Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Dominance/Subjugation Control/Manipulation
  • Freedom/Liberty Manipulation
  • Freedom/Unfreedom Control


The user can manipulate the concepts of unfreedom/freedom, or things and people's range of freedom, so is the unfreedom that comes from restricting said leisures and is the freedom that is emerge from losing said restrictions. They could enslave people or take away people's freedoms, or subject them to different laws or rules. The same could be to alleviate the restrictions or stipulations coming from this, thus freeing them. This power is essentially the balance between two dichotomic concepts, allowing the user to manipulate one and the other, as they cannot exist without the other.





  • Cannot affect the users of Absolute Free Will and Omnilock.
  • User cannot be free from Conceptual/Metaphysical restraints.
  • Can be weak and useless against Meta Powers.
  • May be limited to certain forms of unfreedom/freedom.
  • May require knowledge on how to unfree/free something.
  • User is not free from Omnipotent beings.
  • User may be limited by distance/size/skill.
  • Users of Boundary Manipulation can overwhelm the user.

Known Users[]

  • Urial Beryl (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
  • Ananke (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • The Fates (Greco-Roman Mythology)
  • Feronia (Roman Mythology)
  • Diamonds (Steven Universe)

