Superpower Wiki
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
― H.P. Lovecraft

The power to have a unknown and fathomless existence. Variation of Living Anomaly. Not to be confused with Mystery Embodiment.

Also Called

  • Fathomless Existence
  • Living Mystery


User is or has an fathomless/unknown existence, as all information, knowledge, history, origin, etc., is either totally unknown or a complete mystery. Looking up their history, how they came to be, what allowed them to exist in the first place, or even if they exist would prove impossible.

Since their origin and even the very basis/nature of their being is a mystery, its impossible to categorize them in any way, including whether or not their alive/living, dead, undead, amortal, undetermined, self-created, non-created or possibly something else entirely and even if their human, demon, god, spirit, beast/monster, eldritch horror, etc. If they even have a history or origin of some kind, then it cannot be traced or understood by anybody/anyone or anything.

If users of Living Anomaly are beings that escape the rules of a system while still being a part of it, then these are beings who suddenly come into existence inside or outside of the system with no rhyme or reason.




Known Users

  • Pathway Between Worlds (Coraline); novel version
  • The Midnight Entity (Doctor Who)
  • Patriot Costume/Patriot Entity (Marvel Comics)
  • Zom's Creator (Marvel Comics)
  • Mio/The Spider of Calamity (Moon-Led Journey Across Another World)
  • Dark Powers (Ravenloft)
  • The Demonkind (Steel Angel Kurumi)
  • The Harrowing (Warhammer 40k)
  • Soul Eater (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • The Employers (Hλlf-Life series)

