Superpower Wiki
"The power to defy mortality is not given or taken, you have to be born with it."
― (Anonymous)

The ability to possess an uncommon aging process. Variation of Unnatural Quality. Not to be confused with Age Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Inhuman/Uncommon/Unique Aging
  • Species Aging
  • Unnatural Aging Process


The user is naturally born with their unnatural aging process; thus, they can’t control it as they live longer or forever. Users are either born with decelerated aging/longevity or eternal youth. It’s common for most users to be born with decelerated aging or longevity, especially as they live longer than humans. It’s also common for other users to be born with accelerated immortality or delayed immortality, especially as they grow rapidly or at normal rate before stopping to age after reaching maturity. Though it’s quite rare for some users to be born with accelerated longevity, especially as they rapidly age and possess a longer lifespan after reaching maturity.





  • If the user is born with longevity, they will eventually die once reaching old age.
  • If the user is born with accelerated/delayed immortality, they still be killed by certain means for they are immortal, not indestructible.

Known Users[]

  • Diana Prince/Wonder Woman (DC Comics)
  • Green Martians (DC Comics)
    • J'onn J'onzz/Martian Manhunter
  • White Martians (DC Comics)
    • M'gann M'orzz/Miss Martian
  • Piccolo (Dragon Ball series)
  • Saiyans (Dragon Ball series)
  • Gods (Gods of Egypt)
  • Dwarves (The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings)
  • Elves (The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings)
  • Orcs (The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings)
  • Viltrumites (Invincible/Image Comics)
  • Gift Users (Hero Killer)
  • Inuyasha (InuYasha)
  • Giants (Jack the Giant Slayer)
  • Asgardians (Marvel Comics)
    • Thor Odinson
    • Valkyrie
  • Hercules (Marvel Comics)
  • Namor (Marvel Comics)
  • Thanos (Marvel Comics)
  • Wookies (Star Wars)
  • Master Yoda (Star Wars)
  • Grogu (Star Wars)
  • Lycans (Underworld)
  • Vampires (Underworld)
  • Caliban (X-Men Movies)
  • Hank McCoy/Beast (X-Men Movies)
  • Alex Summers/Havok (X-Men Movies)
  • Arion (Young Justice)
  • Hellboy (Hellboy/B.P.R.D.)
  • Sir Reginald Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy)
  • Merpeople (Siren)
  • Poppins (It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia)


