Superpower Wiki
"The city shrieks at sundown and Jack Hawksmoor is the only one who can hear it."
― Narration (Wildstorm/DC Comics)

The power to manipulate urban areas and everything in them. Variation of Environment Manipulation. Opposite to Nature Manipulation and Rural Manipulation. Not to be confused with Industry Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Astikóskinesis
  • City/Town Control/Manipulation
  • Urban Environment Control/Manipulation


The user can create, shape and manipulate urban areas (including cities, towns, suburbs, etc.), and everything in them, including all the aspects of urban areas, from the purely physical ones and also mythical/conceptual ones.






  • Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user.
  • Uncontrolled, this power can go out of control and destroy everything in the area, including citizens and friends/allies.
  • The user may be unable creating urban areas, being limited to manipulating already existing one.
  • Urban areas may change over time, which can be troublesome if the user can't keep up with the change.
  • Completely powerless if in a wild environment.
  • Opposed by Nature Manipulation.
  • Will not work on Meta Nature Manipulation.

Known Users[]

  • Danny the Street (DC Comics)
  • Jack Hawksmoor (DC Comics)
  • Cameron Kim/City Boy (DC Comics)
  • Castle Heterodyne (Girl Genius); only Mechanicsburg
  • Simon Voltaire (Girl Genius); only Paris
  • Colette Voltaire (Girl Genius); only Paris
  • Delsin Rowe (INFAMOUS second son): via concrete manipulation
  • GLaDOS (Portal series)
  • Isabella Borgia/MOTHER (Predator: Concrete Jungle)
  • Ziggurat (Worm)
  • Bohu (Worm)
  • The Empty City (Fear Mythos)

