This is Rex "EX" Facultson's supernatural abilities and weakness for them in RPs.
Facultson Soul + (See Weakness (W) a)
a. Alternate-Self Summoning (Wb)
b. Power Bestowal: Can grant anyone or thing a Facultson Soul ability (Wc)
c. Power Augmentation Aura: Can generate an aura that boost the power of Facultson Soul Abilities. (Wd)
d. Power Shifting (We)
g. Self Origin Manipulation: He can insert himself to any universe and fashion his own origin in that world. (Wf)
h. Meta Teleportation (Wg)
i. Reliant Immortality Soul (Wh)
h. Multiversal Reincarnation: Can be reincarnated into another universe, dimension, or time. (Wi)
a. He can only have one “created” ability for each world.
b. He can only summon up to 5 Facultsons at a time.
c. The individuals granted a power have control on what power they want not the granter.
d. The aura’s effect has a range of 30 feet.
e. He can only shift/ change the ability once during that universe. It also has to be one category (Ex: Fuzzy Contact of The Pure to Fuzzy Product of The Pure or Sizzling Contact of The Pure.)
f. When he is done crafting his origin for a world, that is it. He cannot change it. He can also have up to three abilities that has to do with that world.
g. He can only access this ability when he is outside a universe (or RP)
h. Only his soul is immortal and only exist as long as The Facultson Soul Exist.
i. When he dies in that universe, EX can never return.