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MM Wren

Wren is a character from the Métier Modder: Dark Age's Caliber Posts

Name: Wren Voyageur

Alias: Elite Wren Voyageur, Wielder of The Charm of Amoscience Mark II

Alignment: Lawful Good

Species: Enhance Human

Age: 18

Personality: Cautious, Altruistic, Insightful

Gender: Non-Binary

Sexuality: Bisexual

Pronouns: They/ Them (Preferred) He/ him (By others except Pagani)

Occupation: Enforcement Army Elite


  1. Omniscient Host-The Charm of Amoscience
    • Attack: Truest Heart Attack- Creates powerful attacks fueled by positive bonds.
      • Blade Form
      • Gauntlet Form
    • Defense: Armored "Bond-formation"- Transformed into an armored being based on the bond use has with another characters.
    • Support: Bond's Light- User and Allies' stats are boosted, including recovery.


  1. Enhanced Condition
  2. Divine Weaponry- The Charm of Amoscience


  1. Has to have his Omniscient Host to use its power.


Prequal: Wren came from another world called Earth. They arrived wearing a sundress and got into a fight with Horrui Fireplace. Thanks to their cellphone, Horrui injured herself when she got distracted by its alarm. Soon, they was taken in by The Enforcement Army, got interrogated, tested, and placed into The Elite Forces. His roommate was Pagani Sink the Mbommadisian. They didn't get along at first, but after a late night conversation, both of them form a pact of supportive friendship. The next day, they were forced to spar with each other after drinking a special tea that permanently enhances their unique physical traits. Before effects happened, Wren had a hard time harming Pagani due to his innate toughness. Soon, the tea kicked in and they managed to pin Pagani down and wins. After the tussle between Pagani and Horrui, Wren asked him to let him fight their own battles and would give him a special sign if they do. During a training mission of clearing Wreakborne, the One that attacked Pagani before returned. With the combined efforts of both of them and two other elite trainees, they destroyed the monster. Wren went to bed unaware that Pagani was being forced into doing an experiment that would cause him to leave The Enforcement Army and leaving The Charm of Amoscience with them. Wren was very dishearten to loose his first and only friend at that time, but he did managed to complete his training. At some point, someone tried to steal the power of the charm but caused its powers to reset. Wren chose its new abilities and dubbed the Omniscient Host, The Charm of Amoscience MK II.

Extra Info:

  1. Height: 5.6 ft
  2. Weight: 149 lbs.