Superpower Wiki

This is the main page for all the moves shown on Pokémon Typers.

  1. Attack Mode: Typers manifest their Infinity Energy into a offensive power.
    1. Unco Cutter
    2. Threatening Wing
    3. Draco Whim
    4. Foreboding Grasp
    5. Oberon Bomb
    6. Zap Clash
  2. Status Mode: Typers manifest their Infinity Energy into a special effect.
    1. Encasing Amber
    2. Wyrm Remedy
  3. Ability Mode: Typers manifest their Infinity Energy into supernatural trait.
    1. Skin Crawl
    2. Fading Image
    3. Dragon Fortune
    4. Power Cord
  4. Rule
    1. All Modes have a Cooldown Time
      1. In Battle (for Both Attack and Status), A Typer has a one turn cooldown before using this or another mode,
      2. Outside Battle (for Both Attack and Status), A Typer has a 30-45 second cooldown before using this or another mode,
      3. In Battle (Ability Mode), A Typer has a two turn cooldown before using this or another mode, But the effect of their ability is active for the remaining time of the battle unless negated.
      4. Outside Battle (Ability Mode), A Typer has a 1 to 1 and half minute before using this or another mode, But their ability stays active as long as the user wants unless negated.
    2. Aesthetics
      1. Attack and Status Modes tend to manifest as energy (or their respective elements) constructs, aura, waves, etc.
      2. Ability Modes manifests as physical traits around or inside the Typer's body.

Episode List
