- Stories
- Episode 1: Absolute Silence, Please.
- Episode 2: Cry me a river of poison.
- Episode 3: A Wasp's Sting.
- Episode 4: Me and My Independent Shadow.
- Episode 5: Going to Medical (Mastery) School.
- Episode 6: "A Flower by Any Other Name would Still Transmute You."
- Episode 7: Behind Plasma Bars.
- Episode 8: Demi-Werebeast in Little London
- Episode 9: Construction (Mastery) Site
- Episode 10: Cybernetic Monster Mash
- Episode 11: Gunner Take All (Part 1)
- Episode 12: Gunner Take All (Part 2)
- Episode 13: Gunner Take All (Part 3)
- Posts/ Teaser