Superpower Wiki

CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 19 January 2016



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CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 16 January 2016

The Old Ghost - Character Sheet

Name: Terrence Gredham

Aliases: The Old Ghost. Mr.Ghost

Age: 5005

Alignment: Lawful Good

Birthday: May 9th

Gender: Male

Bloodtype: None

Life Times: 2

Place of Birth: Aeka - The New England Count /Graphen City (Earth 000)

Base of Operations: Supernatural Threat Eradicators HQ

Occupation: Supernatural Threat Eradicator

Species: Ghost

Family: Deceased

Pets: none

Friends: The STE


"All is fair in love and war, although no one said it was correct."


"Oh bloody hell get over it or I'll tie you up, I'm never mad nor will I ever be insane as I say this to you I mean it in the nicest way possible."

"My Dad once told me

Everything comes with a consequence if you defy that consequence you'll be shamed unless you choose to stand up up and use the pain you gain from the de…

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CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 14 January 2016

Grom - Character Sheet

Name: P'lenecas Riomerota

Alias: Grom

Alignment: Lawful Good

Birthday: June 20th

Bloodtype: B

Place of Birth: P'le/Graphen City (Earth 000)

Base of Operations: Supernatural Threat Eradicators HQ

Occupation: Supernatural Threat Eradicators

Species: Goblin

Family: All Deseaced

Pets: Cat - Maxwell


Someone once told me, If you don't take a chance you don't take a meaning, a definition to define you, except the exception is you choose the meaning, Conceptually of course.


"We all take time, those precious moments that just slip away in an instant with no warning, no sign they just... vanish."

"We all forget except Nick, you get even close to teasing him you're getting beat into a bloody pulp until you're ready to apologise or die."

"If there's a storm ther…

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CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 12 January 2016

Skan - Character Sheet

Name: Skan Koriga

Aliases: Skeleton of The West

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Birthday: January 18th

Bloodtype: A-

Inspirations: Skulduggery

Gender: Male

Age: 1070

Species: Skeleton

Place of Birth: Aeka/ Graphen city (Earth 000)

Base Of Operations: Western Graphen Cemetery


"Everyone lives, Everyone dies, whats new?"

Occupation: Supernatural Threats Eradicators - Leader


"Well Your about to die but don't worry you would have died anyway."

"My time was up like a thousand years ago, but here I am !"

Likes: His Job, his gun,his horse

Dislikes: Threats, Music, movies

Hobbies: Killing Supernatural Threats, Shooting his gun

Values: his gun


Strength - 30/100 Supernatural Strength

Endurance - 30/100 Supernatural Endurance

Agility - 30/100 Supernatural Agility

Mana - 30/100 …

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CSH(comicchat) CSH(comicchat) 11 January 2016

Nick Osolov - Character Sheet

Name: Nick Osolov

Aliases: Pain, Living Hell

Alignment: Lawful Chaotic Neutral

Birthday: February 7th

Bloodtype: B-

Inspiration: John Constantine

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Species: Human/Mage

Place of Birth: Aeka/ Graphen city (Earth 000)

Base of Operations: Graphen Underground Federations Base.


"Some people called me a walking torture chamber,others called me the good guy."

Occupation: Gets Rid of Supernatural Agren Goverment Threats, Main job is helping the SPATF and the Supernatural Threat Eradicators (STE).


"One may think they know me, but you know to hell they dont."

"You got a Ciggi?"

Likes: Cigarettes, Fighting, Sightseeing, Sports

Dislikes: Alcohol, Drugs, Crime Lords, Not having a ciggi

Hobbies: Smoking, Doing his job, Research, Watching Sports

Values: H…

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