Superpower Wiki

Captain Barracuda Captain Barracuda 1 June 2016

Character Sheet: The Thing In The Dark

The Thing In The Dark, also known as The Darkness or The End Of The Light, is an entity that is sometimes observed in the world prior to marking events. Constantly surrounded by a sphere of impenetrable darkness of varying size, accounts divert often as to it's size, the average size range as to the aura of shadow being 1.5 meter of radius, with the center of it being at ground level. Often is also seen a pair of feline eyes with a red sclera through the veil of darkness.

It is unclear from where it comes, nor is it known when it started being. The most popular origin for this creature of legends is that it comes from an other world which it plunged in darkness by using trickery, guile, and patience.

The first account of it's presence in this w…

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Captain Barracuda Captain Barracuda 30 May 2016

Character Sheet: The Last Light

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