Superpower Wiki

The power to use all forms of divine powers. Pinnacle of Divinity. Spiritual version of Nigh-Omnipotence and Nigh-Complete Arsenal. Variation of Omni-Magic.

Also Called

  • All Divinity
  • Divine Mastery
  • Omni-Divinity Manipulation
  • Nigh Sanctipotence
  • Spiritual Nigh-Complete Arsenal
  • Ultimate Divinity


The user has access to a arsenal of all divine/holy/spiritual powers, putting them in a virtual omnipotent state because they wield a complete inventory of various god like powers that can alter the state of reality without some justification. The user can either be a spiritual or other physiology to have the ability. Mostly associated with higher angels or divine beings and even the cosmic guardian.

They can perform or manipulate miracles, manipulate existence and realsm, bend or surpass potent laws that bound beings to achieve more, acheiving a form of transcendence. They can even control entire pantheons or armies of angelic entities or even beings considered spiritual. They can control the heavens and hells to any extent.

One thing to remind is the user is nigh omnipotent, may have all forms of spiritual powers but what matters is understanding is key to control, control leads to potential, potential then equals to the desire result.





  • Mortals may have a tough time using the sacred abilities.
  • They specialized in skill rather than power.
  • They are only virtual omnipotent.
  • Omnipotence can defeat the user.