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Oh me and Ludwig we go wayyyy back. Some might say we were into each other. However a certain incident made us realized we could never be.


The Entity is apart of the Dark Multiverse. He is one of the rare members of the Apex Predators that isn't a version of me. He is more like a creation from a version of me. A giant ancient being before him was on the verge of mental death itself in 5 days. To continue his immortal legacy the giant shadow snake himself decided to go on a murder spree and fill up on fear while also shedding his all black skin. Creating mini versions of himself.

Once he mentally died and moved on to the Dreamscape (Which is the afterlife for alternate versions of me.) The mini hims regroup together in a cave with a hole in it. That was very hot and steamy and a brand new clone of him was made. That was how the Entity was born and despite being considered a "clone" it was more like an offspring since he had no memories of the original version.

However he was still allowed in on the Apex Predator team since he wanted to work there. The Entity ever since he was created was adopted by families multiple times however he never seemed to fit in with them. Since he was deemed too creepy and he was obsessed with death. It has to do with the Dark Multiverses corrupting affects on him. Also the fact that some members of the Dark Multiverse experimented on him and turn him into a deadly killing machine. However he didn't care about what people think. He is only doing what he was made to do.

Besides he needs to kill people in order to feed on fear that he desperately needs once in awhile or he will literally fall into eternal sleep forever. 1000 years later he met me and it was not love at first sight. In fact we met each other in the mist of a battlefield. We were fighting each other as hard as we can we even banter with each other.

Then my heart came out when he began ranting about his past. I decided to comfort him and that's what started our friendship together. 5 years later we ended up dating and he showed me his female alternate side. Our relationship was stabled and fine. It was odd for someone from The Dark to be dating someone from the Light. Hence why we kept it secret. However one very hungry night The Entity was very starved and I happened to meet him at the wrong time.

Long story short I had to defend myself from him. He now has a permanent scar on his right eye and I now have a bite mark on my neck. Why do my love stories end in tragedy?


The Entity is a giant shadow snake that is capable of changing it's size and shape. He has all white eyes and he always brandish a very sharp smile. By that I mean he has very sharp teeth. It usually appears from dark areas.


The Entity is a sadistic but sweet being. He tends to make sadistic jokes almost all the time. He also tends to admire a murder when he gets the chance to and see the aftermath. For the people he cares about he can be compassionate and apologetic when he is in the wrong. This also sparks a protective side to him as if he sees you as threat. He will not hesitate to kill you.

Powers and Abilities[]

Darkness Mimicry: He is made up of darkness/shadows. His transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of darkness/shadows, in which case, it contains all organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately, he can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.

He can assume a two-dimensional form, extend outward to become a larger shadow, blend into the darkness/shadows completely, and even teleport through them.

Umbrakinetic Shapeshifting: He can transform/reshape their shadow form as desired to adapt to varying situations, impersonating others, enhance their body to combat, turning into animals, monsters, etc. Practically anything he can imagine. He can even change their gender.

Shadow Teleportation: The Entity can teleport via shadows/darkness, merging into shadows/darkness and appearing anywhere else from the same element. However the greatest thing he can do is to travel through time through darkness. However he can only go back to the beginning of time where there was nothing but darkness. He did this multiple times to learn about history.

Darkness Manipulation: He can create, shape and manipulate darkness and shadows. Darkness is mostly used to cloud everything into total darkness, but can also be channeled to a variety of effects, both as an absence of light and a solid substance: one can also control and manipulate the beings that exist there, create and dispel shields and areas of total darkness, create constructs and weapons, teleport one's self through massive distances via shadows, etc.

Supernatural Bite: Thanks to his sharp teeth he is strong enough to bite through titanium and bite through superhuman skin. One time he bite off the skin and bones of superhuman that survived a planetary attack.

Intangibility: Due to him being literal darkness itself he can make himself immune to being touched or harmed at will.

Killing Mastery: The Entity has innate knowledge of how to kill any living being regardless of how powerful they are. This ability comes in great significance when dealing with seemingly unstoppable opponents and allows him to end their lives with expedient efficiency. They can intuitively kill by any means and in the most effective ways possible, use anything at hand to do so and, have no mental/emotional issues or moral dilemmas either before, during or after the deed. He can perfectly and without a single flaw or mistake, know how to kill anything, whenever they want with zero effort.


He is very vulnerable to light itself. Regardless if he is intangible or not. A large amount of light will burn him a lot causing great pain to him. Other then that none notable.


He has a special traveling box that is always dark and it's small. He used this to get around most of the time and appear cute. What he likes to be cute sometimes.