Superpower Wiki

Power Scale

Tier; Multi-Solar System Level (Base Form)/High Outerversal (10,000 Form)

Origin; Earth

Durability; Universal level (Base Form)/High Outerversal (10,000 Form)

Speed; Massively FTL (Base Form)/Irrelevant (10,000 form)

Attack/Defense Potency; Multi-Solar System Level (Base)/High Outerversal level (10,000 Form)

Lifting Strength; (Base Form) Multi-Stellar level/Immeasurable

Striking Strength; Multi-solar system level (Base Form)/High Outerversal level (10,000 Form)

Stamina; Superhuman (Base Form)/infinite (10,000 Form)

Intelligence; Supergenius (Base Form)/Nigh-Omniscient (10,000 Form)

Range; (Base Form) Galactic/(10,000 Form) High Outerversal

My Alias

  • Captain Manifold/Unstoppable/Impossible
  • Power Boy
  • The Green Caped Crusader

My Abilities

Arsenal Boy has over 278 total abilities, here is the list;

Base Form abilities

  • Indomitable Will I possess unnaturally strong willpower, enabling me to be immune to all forms of temptation including Subordination Manipulation, Telepathy, and Mind Control Through my will, I can face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against me.
  • Psionics I Have a whole collection of psychic abilities such as Telepathy, Telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Mind Control, Precognition, Etc.
  • Superhuman Strength (Type IV) Via Supernatural body; Can Cause stars to go immediately go supernova by punching into its surface.
  • Superhuman Speed (Type III) Via Supernatural body; Can Move 500 Times faster than the speed of light, or around a top speed of 335,308,314,500 Mph.
  • Heat Vision Can Blast 10,000 degree lasers out of my eyes that disintegrate anything that comes across them.
  • Luck (Master Level) Possesses Fortune so powerful the chance of anything misfortunate happening are cosmically minuscule.
  • Superhuman Senses Can see, smell, taste, touch, or touch 2,500 Times more sensitive than the average human.
  • X-Ray Vision Can perceive through both organic/inorganic matter.
  • Size Alteration (Ultimate Level) can manipulate the size of anything and everything, from tiny to absolutely gigantic while retaining its physical proportions
  • Self-Sustenance Via Unfettered-Body; Can survive 50 Years without food, sleep, or water.
  • Matter Manipulation Via Telekinesis; Can control anything that is a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma.
  • Fiction Travel Can Travel to any fictional verse by creating portals to that verse.
  • Imperceptibility Can become completely undetectable to all means of sensory; such as sight, smell, sound, or Touch. even technology like sonar, radar, X-Ray, Thermal imaging, Etc couldn’t detect me.
  • Ballistic Scream Can release a loud explosive, Destructive Scream up to 300 Decibels of sound.
  • Telescopic Vision Via Superhuman Senses; Can see Unnaturally more further than the average human.
  • Danger Detection Via Extrasensory Perception; Can sense whether or not harm is on its way.
  • Claw Retraction/Poisonous Claws Not only can I retract sharp, serrated claws out of my Knuckles, but each tip secretes a neurotoxin 100 times more potent than Cyanide.
  • Superpower Manipulation one of my most powerful abilities; Can control the supernatural powers/abilities of others.
  • Electromagnetism Manipulation (Expert Level) Can control electromagnetism which accounts for almost all physical phenomena observable to the unaided human senses, including light and other electromagnetic radiation, all of chemistry, most of mechanics (excepting gravitation), and of course magnetism and electricity.
  • Atomic/Molecular Manipulation one of my most powerful abilities Via Telekinesis; Can Telekinetically manipulate the bonds between atoms/Molecules.
  • Emotion Empowerment By getting Sad, Angry, Happy, Afraid, Etc. not only will I gain more Superpowers but all my abilities will augment to a maximum and limitless level.
    • Zenith (10,000 Form) Via Emotion Empowerment; Can reach the highest degree of power.
  • Telepathy (Master Level) Via Psionics; can perceive and interact with the mind, consciousness, and thoughts of myself or others by using my mind.
  • Matter Transmutation Via molecular manipulation; can transmute the property of any material, for example turning water into metal.
  • Superhuman Stamina Via Supernatural Body; Can exert energy for several months without getting tired.
  • Power Mixture Via Superpower Manipulation; Can combine several abilities into one.
    • Shapeshifting Via Self-Atomic Manipulation; Can Morph appearance at Will.
  • Immutability one of my most powerful abilities; Cannot be altered or changed by any means.
  • Time Travel/Defiance Via Time Manipulation; Can both travel several eons back/forward in time, but can also defy time, making me be able to do things faster than time would allow or do things causality would not allow.
    • Power Anchoring Via Immutability; My powers are cannot be Negated, Manipulated, Destroyed, Replicated, Absorbed, Etc.
  • Elasticity Via Shapeshifting; can stretch and twist into any direction imaginable.
  • Nature Manipulation one of my most powerful abilities; Is connected directly to the natural world and thus I can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature: all living beings and plants and natural phenomenon.
  • Elemental Manipulation one of my most powerful abilities; Via Atomic Manipulation; Can manipulate both elements and their properties.
  • Space-Time Warping one of my most powerful abilities; I can manipulate, bend, distort and control the space-time continuum, the fabrics of reality in which all exist in.
  • Weather Manipulation one of my most powerful abilities; Can Manipulate weather patterns in the upper atmosphere.
  • Technology Manipulation Via Electromagnetism manipulation; Can influence the mechanical workings of any technological equipment.
  • Force-Field Generation (Expert level) Can create force fields that are completely Impervious to any penetration or damage.
  • Plant Manipulation Via Nature Manipulation; Can Can create, shape, move, control, interact and manipulate vegetation and Fauna.
  • Fearlessness Via Indomitable Will; I Can't feel any sense of fear due to my Supernatural grit.
  • Wave Manipulation Via Atomic Manipulation; Can Manipulate, Shape, Create any kind of wave. such as Brainwaves, Soundwaves, Radiowaves, Etc.
  • Sound Manipulation Via wave manipulation; Can Control, Shape, Reshape, or create Any Kind of Sound wave.
  • Time Manipulation (Master Level) Via Space-Time Warping; Can manipulate how time works.
  • Supernatural Wits Via Superhuman Intelligence; I have a supernatural way of thinking.
  • One Hit Kill Via Superhuman Strength; Can kill people just by tapping someone.
    • Midas Touch Via Element Transmutation; Can turn any object into solid or liquid gold.
  • Claircognizance Via Psionics; Can Gain information about something through intrinsic knowledge.
  • Soul Anchoring Via Immutability; My soul is impervious to any kind of soul manipulation.
  • Duration Manipulation Via Time Manipulation; Can manipulate the duration of Time, making things longer or shorter. For example; turning 10 Minutes into 10 Years.
  • Animal Morphing Via Shape-shifting; Can transform into any Species of wildlife.
  • Clairvoyance Via Psionics; Can Acquire information using sight outside the normal range of detection.
    • Deflection Via Force field generation; Can deflect any attack.
    • Color Manipulation Via Light Manipulation; Can Control colors Via altering the light spectrum.
    • Instant Learning Via Superhuman Intelligence; Can Immediately Learn to do any task.
    • Environment Manipulation Via Nature manipulation; Can create, shape and manipulate the environment, whether natural or artificial, and everything in it.
      • Terraforming Via Environment Manipulation; Can change the environment of any planet to a different environment.
  • Magnetization Via Electromagnetism manipulation; can magnetize any non-metallic material.
      • Instant Learning Via Superhuman intellect; can learn/master any objective instantly.
  • Accelerated Activity Via Superhuman Speed; can do anything at a faster speed than what is naturally possible, including thinking, moving, etc. regardless of what speed time is moving at.
    • Accelerated Perception Via Accelerated thought process; can process information at such speeds that time appears to have slowed down.
      • Accelerated Thought Process Via Accelerated activity; in a similar fashion of accelerated perception, can process information at incredible speeds. allowing me to analyze and come to conclusions at an unprecedented rate.
    • Speed Swimming Via Accelerated Activity; Can swim at incredible speeds.
      • Trait: Overpowered Is ridiculously overpowered due to having this many abilities and having full control over them, fundamentally making me unstoppable.
  • Climate Manipulation Via Weather Manipulation; Can sense, create, shape and manipulate climate, the weather/atmospheric conditions of an area as described over a long period of time.
  • Omnicompetence Via Superhuman intellect; Can Handle all situations or matters with ease.
  • Mind/Remote Mind Control Via Telepathy; Can influence the minds of others, including their thoughts, perceptions, memories, emotions and personality on a planetary scale.
  • Body Supremacy Via Self-Atomic Manipulation; has complete control over any part of my body, both inside and out.

Can mimic any noise at any frequency, wavelength, or amplitude.

  • Supernatural Athleticism Via Supernatural body; is glaringly, obviously and super/unnaturally more acrobatic than other beings in the universe because all of my capabilities are pushed beyond the natural level.
    • Superhuman Agility Via Supernatural athleticism; Is immensely more agile and able to combine my balance, bodily coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance better than regular people. 150

10,000 Form abilities (My Zenith Form)

  • Nigh-Complete Arsenal Not only did I Gain a maximum of number of 10,000 superpowers, but all of my abilities were augmented to a limitless level.
  • Absolute Will My willpower became so unnaturally strengthen to point where I am now able to alter the fabric of reality with nothing but sheer grit alone.
  • Psionic Godhood All of my psychic abilites were augmented to a Godly level.