Dynamos are energy matter beings that were originally Immortal children of Titans that heated to become as powerful as their parents. In order to do so, they studied energy in great detail & learned of its power & then decided abandon their normal organic forms for energy matter forms to increase the heir power & perception of existence. After doing so, they abandoned their home universe to live in a pocket dimension & even decided to interact with another universe.
they are divided into categories like their parents, Asuras & Baines.
Asuras & Baines both are vowed upon as neutral beings that need to be satiated clear of. In the Pulse universe, they only created the energy humans for the sole purpose to use them as an army rather than caring if the humans could defend themselves against the forces of evil, which would explain why they created said humans without caring if the power would later corrupt them.
Energy Matter Physiology: Dynamos are completely formed of energy matter, without anything truly left from their physical form. They gain impressive control over their form and vast capacity to expel energy in various ways. Dynamos’ form is anatomically identical to their previous form, aside of being made of energy matter, in which case, it contains all to organs.
- Personal Energy Matter
- Energy Manipulation
- Omni-Energy Manipulation
- Powers via Energy
- Contaminant Immunity
- Disease Immunity
- Oxygen Independence
- Immortality
- Intangibility
- Invulnerability
- Pain Suppression
- Supernatural/Absolute Condition
Asura Physiology:
- Multiple Arms
- Multiple Heads
- Multiple Eyes
- Anger Empowerment
- Various neutral & pure forms of energy
Blaine Physiology:
- Wing Manifestation
- Multiple Wings
- Claw Retraction
- Spike Protrusion
- Energy Vampirism
- Energy Assimilation
- Various neutral & negative forms of energy.
- Entropy Manipulation
- Volatile Force Manipulation
- Caustic Energy Manipulation
- Corruption Energy Manipulation
- Dark Energy Manipulation
- Damaging Energy Manipulation
- Destructive Energy Manipulation
- Eldritch Energy Manipulation
- Infectious Energy Manipulation
- Inner Beast Energy Manipulation
- Parasitic Energy Manipulation
- Psi-Leech Energy Manipulation
- Toxic Energy Manipulation
- Apocalyptic Energy Manipulation
- Chaos Energy Manipulation
- Cursed Energy Manipulation
- Absorption Energy Manipulation
- Blood Energy Manipulation
- Null Energy Manipulation
- Babies & Asuras are inspired off of Cursed Spirits.