Superpower Wiki


Immortals are the half-mortal children of the demiurges known as Titans. They are by far some of the most powerful organisms in the multiverse e being one of the few organism that are immortal. The weakest Immortal is of high Lord level of power.

The general alignment depends on the Immortal and usually their parent (their parent being a Peacenik or Daemon).

In the grand design, they're considered 1 of the opposites of Agents.

Influence on Earth-[]

Depending on their alignment, they may either induce great fear or hope in the people of earth. At some point in time though, they will be considered potential dangers to the inhabitants of Plateau. This is due to them being considered (& live up to) the idea of them being practically a Titan to mortals but having the mind of a mortal aka being easily corrupted by the desires of the flesh.


Immortal Physiology: Immortals are half transcendent, half mortal organisms. Being half Demiurge, they have incredible powers along with being able to manipulate energy & various forms of it. Their natural power levels can vary from Immortal to Immortal due to the power level differences among Titans. They generally share the same powers (unless they are from a species with specific powers) but they can train them to achieve high mastery thus gaining new applications.

  • Supernatural Condition: Immortals possess supernatural capabilities, attributes and aspects that are drastically beyond what is naturally possible. With their condition alone, they can dwarf most beings in Plateau, being virtually supreme in their existential aspects and attributes. These attributes vary from Immortal to Immortal due to either training or bloodline.
  • Supernatural Genetics/Cells
  • Flight/High-Speed Flight: Immortals can fly at various speeds depending on their level of training or natural power level.
    • Levitation: As an obvious application of their flying powers is levitation.
  • Energy Manipulation: Immortals can manipulate energy like their parents but to a lesser degree. While it is not as powerful as their parents, they are still forces to be reckoned with being able to manipulate energy in its raw form which leaves way for various powerful applications such as matter manipulation.
  • Cosmic Awareness: Immortals have a heightened sense of awareness that can reach on a universal scale including planets being destroyed, threats, and/or anything that would affect them in any way. Depending on the scale of the user's power, how much of the cosmos can be perceived will change, for example, planetary perception, galaxy perception, whole cosmos perception, etc.
  • Esotery: Each Immortal has their own Esotery Art.
  • Bloodline Inheritance: Immortals often inherit skills & powers from their Titan parent(s).


  • Anti-Energy: With one of their main powers being ergokinesis, Anti-Energy is a great counter to Immortals.
  • Anti-Regeneration/Unhealing/Healing Factor Nullification: 1 of their most notable traits is the Immortality which is based off their healing factor which means anything to counter their healing factor is a great counter.
  • Immortal Slayers: Those who specialize in hunting Immortals have an edge on Immortals.


  • Immortals aren’t Demigods in the sense they are half deity. They are the general half-transcendent counter parts.
  • Immortals are partly inspired off of New Gods from DC Comics.