Superpower Wiki

Axel Cashis

"War inside war inside, I'm full of pride, I'm 'bout to rise, Make you vanish like a planet, Just go head and die" - Axel repeating a verse from one of his favorite songs, Death Battle: Kings of Infinity (From the ScrewAttack Series) feat. Omega Sparx

Name: Axel Cashis (cashis)

Hieght: 5ft 10in.

Gender: Male

Personality: Axel is gruff loner who had a strong sense of personal honor. He also had a wild, animal-like nature to him and a savage, or "berserker," rage which he tried to control. He is known as one of the most fearless, brave, and dangerous men in the world. He has displayed to be able to make connections & relationships with people though & it takes a lot for him to trust someone.


Unpredictability: Axel possesses a completely unpredictable nature, rendering him immune to users of Combat Perception, Body Language Analysis, and Adoptive Muscle Memory. He can also evade Objective Precognition, which requires the target to have a direction in mind to be able to predict the outcome.

100% Muscle Usage: Axel able to exert 100% of the body's muscular strength, maximizing the capacity, while under normal conditions most humans (and other humanoid beings) only exert 20-30%.

Combat Specialist: Axel has intuitively/instinctively understanding of combat and an innate encyclopedic knowledge in hand-to-hand fighting styles; therefore understanding and analyzing opponents style of combat and flaws in the opponent's attack and defense. He can also use attacks that can automatically knock down the opponent or use the strength of the opponent to his favor.

Martial Arts Intuition: Axel can intuitively understand all martial arts, utilizing them like he trained in them for years.

  • Mixed Martial Arts Intuition: Axel can combine and utilize multiple forms of martial arts at once, allowing him to effectively create a new fighting style unique to him and flawlessly move from one form of martial arts to the other, improvise new attacks and more. He is a force to be reckoned with in battle due to his exceptional martial arts skills and being very difficult to predict and counter.
  • Bartitsu: A combat art that combines elements of boxing, wrestling, judo into deadly street fighting.
  • Boxing: Combat sport which derive from punches and sportsmanship.
  • Capoeira: A Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and music.
  • Iaido: A combat art that emphasizes being aware and capable of quickly drawing the sword and responding to a sudden attack.
  • Jeet Kune Do: A combat art that believes in minimal effort with maximum effect and extreme speed.
  • Judo: Where the objective is to either throw or take-down an opponent to the ground.
  • Jujutsu: User can manipulate the opponent's force against them, rather than confronting it with their own force.
  • Karate: A combat art using punches, kicks, as well as elbow and knee strikes. Different styles also teach grappling, locking, restrain and vital point strike techniques.
  • Kendo: A modern style of martial arts developed from traditional samurai swordsmanship.
  • Kickboxing: A style of combat that promotes kicking.
  • Tae Kwon Do: Fighting using mostly the feet and legs to strike with different kick attacks.
  • Wrestling: Fighting using mostly throws, takedowns, grappling and locking moves.


Axel has a creature of unimaginable power within him. The creature, whose name is Biollante, is so powerful it was considered a threat to transcendent beings (mages, demons, etc.) The creature is stated to not be of any really not to be of any species known. It isn't any kind of angelic, demonic, draconic, alien, etc. The creature itself isn't really meant on evil or good. It has randomly inhabited various mortals in it's life time seeking a host that would full accept it & care for it. Even when the host didn't master it, the host was incredibly powerful & was capable of destroying entire cities. Axel was always a loner, but he felt that he can trust the beast within him. Due to Axel & Biollante being friends, Axel has the various powers split into two categories.

Inner Beast Powers-[]

  • Inner Beast Weaponry: Axel can utilize his inner beasts as weapons, allowing them to channel the raw power of his inner beast into am ideal manifested weapon of his inner demons with abilities bound to the beast and Axel in battle against his foes as instruments of war. The weapons he mainly shapes his Biollante is Kusarigama, Krambit Knives, DP-12 shotguns, spicked brass knuckles, lassos, whip swords, & flails.
  • Inner Beast Armor: Axel can utilize his inner beast to form an armor around his body and shape it into the same appearance of his inner beast for protection and physical boost. Axel can manipulate the shape of the armor into new forms of tools be it weapons, transportation, even constructs of their inner beast's power.
  • Inner Beast Artillery: Axel can either use various ranged weaponry such as slingshots, bows, guns, cannons etc, as a conduit for inner beast-based powers or impose those effects on ranged weapons to enhance them.
  • Inner Beast Combat: Axel can combine his inner beast abilities with physical combat skill, channeling the raw, internalized, animalistic entity for battle purposes.
  • Inner Beast Energy Manipulation: Axel can create, shape and manipulate the inner beast energy, the force associated with Biollante.
    • Inner Beast Constructs: Axel can change inner beast power into tools, objects, weapons and other items, create semi-living constructs and/or create structures of varying permanence. Axel this ability can use it for almost any situation, creating anything he needs.
    • Inner Beast Attacks
    • Inner Beast Aura: Axel can release and surround himself in/with inner beast power for defensive and/or offensive purposes, possibly becoming almost untouchable and granting him various abilities/attacks. The aura also gives Axel enhanced physical capabilities such as speed, strength and durability.
  • Inner Beast Summoning: Axel can summon his Biollante as physical materialization, allowing him to use the beast in battle against his foes as his guardians/allies. Depending on the nature and power behind the beast they can be great beings of power and destruction. Axel can summon Biollante as partial manifestations to access fragments of his powers without the risk of sudden betrayal or loss of control, serving his summoner as guardians or as a source of power.
  • Inner Beast Symbiosis: Due to Axel hosting an inner beast within himself, he's able to gain and harness Biollante's powers and qualities for his own purposes. He can join forces with their inner beast and communicate and understand one another through their symbiotic connections. Axel can also use his symbiotic relationship to negotiate with one another, exchanging something for each other's assistance in any given situations. With their symbiosis, Axel can manifest his inner beast using his energy, matter, etc, giving their inner beast a form through himself.
    • Inner Beast Mode: Axel can go into a mode that brings out Biollante's abilities, powers, skills, and traits, allowing him to use his strength and ferocity to destroy any opposition.
    • Inner Beast Transformation: Axel can use with Biollante, gaining new or enhanced powers that transcend beyond his natural limits due to the nature he inherits from him. When in this transformed state, Axel may be at a standstill between him and Biollante which can lead to exchanging or relinquishing control of their body or even emulating a fused personality.
    • Inner Beast Power Link: Due to having a symbiotic connection to Biollante, he's linked to his power. Even if Biollante is removed, Axel still has access to his power.

Physical Powers-[]

Supernatural Life Force: Axel possesses massive reserves of life energy, which also acts as a reliable power source that aids in his longevity, power, stamina, vitality, and healing capabilities, allowing him to withstand and survive even the most strenuous and life threatening circumstances.

Enhanced Body: Axel's physical abilities are above natural members of his species in that verse, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. This entails that Axel's faster, stronger and overall superior to fellow members of his species, without being obviously supernatural.

  • Enhanced Strength: Axel has strength beyond peak human level. He can lift heavy objects such as cars, large boulders, vans, and most others if he isn't too big for him. Axel's also able to move extremely heavy objects such as bulldozers, etc. The user can also bend/punch through thin steel. TO be exact his condition is of Type II (strong enough to lift heavy vehicles and punch through steel, fast enough to move at subsonic speeds, agile enough to leap over small buildings and dodge supersonic attacks, durable enough to withstand bullets, grenades and low-to-medium explosives).
  • Enhanced Speed: Axel can move much faster than the average human, beyond what can be emulated via natural training and with little to no maintaining. Axel is immune to the effects of high-speed travel, including acceleration, friction, g-force, inertia, etc.
  • Enhanced Durability: Axel's physical durability (ability to resist damage) is extremely high, allowing him to take numerous blows of internal or external assaults before succumbing to the effects. Axel can withstand bullets, grenades and low to medium explosives, survive falling from the top of tall buildings and building collapse, withstand beatings from superhumans and take getting beaten with steel rods and bars.
  • Enhanced Reflexes: Axel has drastically enhanced reaction speed, allowing him to dodge bullets, catch flies in mid-air, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to.
  • Enhanced Stamina: Axel's body is highly resistant to the build-up of lactic acid in his muscles, allowing him to be physically active for considerably longer periods than the average member of the user's species.
  • Enhanced Endurance: Axel can endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans enabling him to do things such as operating on a "low power setting" (being able to operate efficiently for extended amounts of time), holding his breath for large periods, remain calm through stressful or painful situations, tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep.
  • Enhanced Precision: Axel can achieve complete and utter precision on close targets, with the activity in his brain center for precision drastically improved. Axel can slice, cut, stab, and so on flawlessly and at the most opportune moments in all the targeted areas of his target.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Axel can achieve complete and utter accuracy on distant targets, with the activity in their brain center for aim and accuracy drastically improved. He need only to aim for an instant before he can accurately hit a target with a projectile. Axel can judge extremely long distances amazingly accurately, gauging the strength needed to launch a projectile, in order to hit a target accurately. If a target is moving Axel can calculate the best method to hit the target. Visual obstructions like smoke and vegetation do not hinder his ability to get an accurate bead on their target, and his intense focus on whatever he's targeting allows him to shut out outside distractions. He can compensate for environmental factors that would normally throw off their aims like wind, air resistance, gravity, and radiant heat (which distorts the image of the target). Axel can resist perception-distorting abilities such as Illumination Emission.
  • Enhanced Agility: Axel can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort. Agility is "the ability to rapidly respond or change by adapting its initial stable configuration", the ability to change the body's position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance & bodily coordination.
  • Enhanced Survivability: Axel can survive things that average humans cannot, allowing him to overcome things that would be detrimental to his life.
  • Enhanced Parkour: Axel is highly proficient in using parkour, which can be summed up as either acrobatics meets assault courses or skateboarding without a board. It is based on general principles of survival: Should one ever need to get from Point A to Point B as fast as possible, the shortest distance is always a straight line. The goal, therefore, is to get past, over, under, or through various obstacles without wasting any time. Unlike Flowmotion and Enhanced Athleticism, which may or may not include obstacles, this power includes obstacles altogether, and focuses on overcoming them with all types of movement. No obstacle is too high or too wide or even too slippery to be overcome.
    • Object Circumvention
    • Rail Walking
    • Roofhopping
    • Surface Hanging
    • Tight Space Maneuvering
    • Vaulting
    • Vehicle Hopping
    • Wall Jump
    • Wallrunning
    • Double Jump
    • All-Terrain Mobility: Axel can move effortlessly on difficult terrain, including rough, steep, slippery, and loose terrain (sand, gravel, mud, snow, hills, etc.), without slipping, tripping, falling, losing balance, etc. This can also work on tall, dense and thick plants or collections of plants and undergrowth. Axel can move as well as the best off-road vehicle, and this power can be especially useful for parkour.
    • Roller Coaster Running
    • Wall Gyration: Axel can move up, down or across walls by either rolling, spinning, cartwheeling, somersaulting and such, and the only thing that is required to maintain momentum while doing this, or else the user will fall off the wall.
    • Hyper Turning: Axel can make sharp/acute turns at any speed (except zero speed, as the user must be moving), even, but not limited to, zero radius.



Hana the Renegade

Hana: Hana's Alex's cousin. Despite this she has feelings for him & has told him this more than once. He himself feels the same but he's often hesitant on acting on his feelings. He has given in at times but he always feels guilty afterwards. He told her how much his conscious is torn apart by this. She doesn't care that modern day society revokes their kind of relationship. She usually tells him, "With all the things accepted today, expressing themselves & being true to themselves. We're just like them. We are just being true to ourselves just like them. Not being true to ourselves is just like them before they come out. Feeling trapped & not true to one's self. Feeling depressed because of it. I dare someone to say what we do is unnatural". Alex agrees with her but knows it will bring a lot of aggravation to their relationship. They decided to stay close cousins although it hurts her.

Besides that, they are great partners in battle & are always in sync.


  • Alex is my version of a Jinchūriki.
  • With people believing love is love, I figured I take that ideal & show what other grounds it can apply to.
  • Alex's personality is based on James Howlett's.