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In this world, there is a 3rd World War. Events were set into motion during WWII. The Nazi’s were desperate to win their war so much they even attempted to research ancient knowledge of some unknown power source. They later dubbed this power source called the Derivation. They didn’t know exactly what it was or what to do once it reached our world. Due to this, when their scientists tapped into it, they didn't expect so much power to be summoned. Their machines over loaded & caused a great cataclysm called the Great Pulse. The Derivation pulsed throughout our plain of existence. At first, there were no side-effects to this. But as time went on, various subspecies of humans called Psions began to appear. With these Espers, society partly changed in some good ways & some bad ways. Along with societal changes came the dangers of the force they called upon from the Derivation which they did not prepare for.


  • Humans: Do I have to explain this to you?
  • Psions: Psions are the subspecies of humanity that have developed some kind of psychic power. The most basic application of all is an enhanced/supernatural mind.
    • Vampires: Vampires/Psychic Vampires are Psions that feeds on the emotional/life/psionic forces of other beings. They can use their energies to fuel their strength, speed, senses, endurance, and agility, extend their life span. Due to this, users need to feed constantly, like a vampire needs to eat blood constantly. Users are traditional vampires, but they possess a unique ability to use absorbed energies to acquire psychic abilities and even transform into new pure force. One can become a Vampire if they are feed on or they have the means to preform vampirism. Natural born Vampires are the least common of all Psions but due to infecting other Psions & average humans, their population is secretly growing.
    • Espers: Espers are Psions who have the conventional psychic powers that are seen through out fiction. These Psions are less common then Sigmas but are usually more powerful.
    • Sigmas: Sigmas are Psions who have developed specific powers stimulate by psionics. For example, a Sigma can generate & control fire psionically or manipulate energy psionically. The most common power is augmented intelligence beyond that of other Psions. They are the most common type of Psion in the world's population of Psions.
    • Psion Lord: These are Psions naturally born of high power by means of family inheritance (inheriting powers that make one naturally powerful) or just born powerful outside of their family. The share powers among Psion Lords are Authority over weaker Psions.
  • Spectres: Spectres psychic creatures from within the Derivation that generally keep themselves unseen to the typical person & immense psychic power. They generally feed on the emotions & other psychic energies of physical organisms. What energies they choose to feed on is up to them entirely & will affect the way they functions. If they feed on negative emotions, they will become negative evil entities. These will go on to wreak havoc. If a Specter chooses to feed on positive emotions, they will become good entities & will fight for good. Specters can posses any physical thing that has/had a brain. They can even possess technology that is fitted for housing psychic entities &/or consciousness. If an Psion gets possessed by a Specter, their power will increase dramatically & that said entity can help them control their power. Psions can even externalize that said entity for attacks or defense. If a Specter possesses a normal human, that said human will have psychic/psionic powers. Some Espers can become Specters if they can astral project & their physical bodies died while they astral projected.
    • Liths: Liths are Spectres of greater power & are tied to a specific concept of existence that humans believe in firmly. They serve Precursors.
    • Precursors: Precursors are Spectres that are virtual embodiments of concepts & even have control said concepts as well. The concepts they most commonly embody are mental/emotional concepts but they can embody others due to people believing in them.

Societal Changes-[]

Psions, their powers, & the Derivation have had great societal changes. Sigmas advanced technology to increase life expectancy, mental health, & more. Despite the advanced industrial cityscapes, technology was developed to aid the negative a degree. Another development was a more unwrapped & raw circulation of thoughts/feelings about social issues which helped them get broke down to a degree. They still exist but nowhere near as bad as they use to be.

Another societal change was the development of Psion Tech that granted psychic abilities to the user, or had other uses related to the Derivation. This has caused some tensions between humans & Psions because there are users of Psion Tech that use it to harass Psions.


  • This whole story was inspired off of Warhammer 40K, the Wolfenstein series, & the Dieselpunk aesthetic as a whole.
  • This does pull some inspiration from Mob Psycho but it's minimal.
  • The idea of Sigmas can from Psiots of the Valiant Universe.