Error 404 is a universe similar to our own & share aspects that we consider fiction. However, it also does not have concepts we don't have. The most notable case of this is this universes substitute for Demons, Angels, Deities, conventional Vampires, & various forms of Occultism. What Takes there place is Revilers, Venerits, Titans, Lamians, Esotery, Aracanisim, Meistery, & Craft. Due to the mix of species & traits mixing & matching, technology is different from our world & is more advanced as well.
Another different to this world is that there is no Earth. The planet that is at the source of all the stories of Error 404 is Kepler, as in Kepler 22-b. This planet is bigger than Earth but that's where the real life similarities end.
Main Story[]
Means of Power[]
- Esotery: This any power brought about by the Enigma Gene. These “Arts” allow the user to preform a specific supernatural ability categorized by its nature (dark/unethical, light/benefit, neutral) & power level. Users are referred to as Sages.
- Curse Art: This is any specific power brought about by one’s Cursed nature. Due to curses not being limited only to Esotery or Arcanism, this is independent from esoteric power thus making any counter against esoteric power powerless.
- Marvel: This is any power brought about by possessing the Glimmer Gene. This is what makes super humans, super. It’s like the X-Gene. Users are referred to as Metas (insert species), Mutants (insert species), Superior (insert species)
- Arcanism: Arcanism is the study of Glyphs, an esoteric language of unknown origin that allows those who understand it & speak it to achieve various supernatural powers. Like many of the other Knowledge powers, this is a foundation that leads to other forms power that are mixed of other knowledge powers.
- Jutsu: Jutsu is the practice of inducing/manipulating various natural/supernatural phenomena via preforming various gestures & motions. Like many of the other Knowledge powers, this is a foundation that leads to other forms power that are mixed of other knowledge powers.
- Qigong: Chi control allows users to control the life-force energy generated by the body & refined in the brain & is them emanated around the body. Control over said energy grants the users various supernatural abilities.
- Meistry: Meistry is the study of various beings & forces along with the knowledge of said forces, their role/influence in the grand design of existence, along with to use their power.
- Inner Beast: Inner Beasts are the unresolved trauma of an organism that gets locked away & later turns into a sentient mass of thoughts & emotions that can think for themselves. Learning to get along with this being or air take its power grants users various supernatural abilities that varies from Beast to Beast.
- Symbiote: Symbiote is a symbiotic that 1 can possess that grants the host powers. Said sybonits power various based only on their origin
- Kepler: The planet in which most of the story takes place.
- Plateau: This is the mortal realm in which mortals reside. This exists within the multiverse.
- Elysium: This is the realm in which Titans reside. There are regions in this realm, attuned to the multiple pantheons of earth. This realm also resides within the multiverse.
- Cthonic Realms: These are realms that are home to some of the darkest beings in existence.
- Nether Realm: This the realm in which Daemons, Revilers, & other beings aligned with the forces of the Nether reside.
- Underworld: This is the realm in which the embodiment of Death resides along with his army of Psychopomps.
- Dystopia: This is realm is a realm of fire & acts as a prison for those thought to dangerous to be amongst mortals. It's connected to Other Realm & Plateau. It's home to the Infernal Mazokus.
- Shadow Realm: This is a realm darkness & shadows that's connected to the rest of the omniverse via shadows. It's home to the Shadow Mazokus.
- Astral Plane (Psychic/Psionic Derivation): This realm is the collective minds & consciousness of every living thing, including Titans. There are regions dedicated to the thoughts/emotions of living things & dreams of living things.
- Other Realm (Esoteric Derivation): In the driving force of Esoteric power, there is actually various worlds & prisons for various beings. It in it self is its own universe with planes.
Species & Species Interactions-[]
All species have always existed on Kepler & humans have always been viewed as by far the weakest speaking thing on Kepler considering the other species on Kepler. With that said, let's discuss the species:
- Humans/Homo-Sapiens: The humans of this universe are generally more powerful & smarter than humans of our world and thus have achieved much more than humans of our reality. Despite this, they are far from the alphas of Kepler & since it's been like this from the beginning, racism among humans has never occurred. Other species view them as weaker; others are very found of humans such as Kitsunes, females Onis (found of human males), & Lamians. Despite being basically weak, their genes are by far the most flexible out of all the races of Kepler making them ideal breeding partners in the since of breeding powerful offspring. Humans have a unique genetic trait that has their offspring always stronger then both parent species or just as powerful as their non-human parent (something that is rare among other non-human species mixing with other non-humans species). The human gene pool has the lowest Enigma Gene count on Kepler.
- Atlanteans: Atlanteans are a human sub-species created by Mmiri. The live among the other aquatic species of the waters and some live on coastal cities. Other species view them as aquatic creatures. Humans try to claim them as human but Atlanteans don’t consider themselves humans.
- Wendigos: Wendigos are a sub-species of humans that have been cursed to be malevolent cannibalistic creatures. A human could physically transform into 1 if they eat human flesh while starving in the winter.
- Skinwalkers: Skinwalkers are esoteric humans who are have the ability to turn into animals among other things.
- Monsters: Monsters' history isn't really known but all is known is that they are very dangerous & is feared/hated by every other species (besides Titans, Dragons, & Revilers). Their powers vary but they no weaker than Yakuza individually & Lord when it is a horde of monsters. Powers & appearances can greatly vary.
- Monstrels: Monstrels are the offspring of a Monster & non-monster.
- Monster Lords: Monster lords are in command of Monster Hordes & are of Dreadnaught levels of power.
- Lamians: Lamians are vampiric species that feed on energy in all its forms. They also heightened genes that allow them to acquire acquired traits at a rate much faster & more versatile than any other race. This has allows them to live in their industrial, desielpunk city & developing sonar & toxic/pollution. They are viewed as being parasites (which has lead to the slur "Leech") to the environment their ancestors feed on the Libban of other living things which has been made taboo now. This has resulted them in grouping together & living in their on city called Polvisester. They share this city with the Kitsunes who "love all races" so it is common for Kitsunes & Lamians to be wedded. Lamians usually talk accents like that of a New Yorker or Brooklyn. Most of Lamians' gene pool has the Enigma gene.
- Yokai: These are a collective classification of Monsters from East-Asia & all have various powers, but commonly sharing the ability to manipulating Yokai Force/Energy.
- Daiyokai: These are Yokai lords & much stronger and smarter than common yokai. They possess incredible supernatural power, unchallenged dominion over yokai and minions, and tremendous supernatural abilities in both domains.
- Hanyo: These are half-Yokai organisms or Yokai-descended organisms.
- Mythics: Mythics are creatures that have displayed the sentience & are able to live commonly amongst civilizations.
- Mythic Lords: These are high ranking beast that command pacts/herds/prides of lesser ranking beasts.
- Mythkin: These are half-Mythic children, or beast descended organisms.
- Harpies: Harpies are an all female avian/human-looking creatures that are generally malevolent creatures. While not all of them are, a lot are. People can tell the difference between the good ones and the bad ones.
- Minotaurs: Munotaurs are a legendary man-beast combining features of a Bovine and human, usually either as human with the head of a bovine or with legs/tail of a bovine as well. While most are described as feral or at least warlike, others may be more peaceful or at least civilized.
- Gorgons: Gorgons are an all female race of female creatures that have venomous snakes for hair & some times have a snake tail instead of legs. They can turn any organic being to stone but they can control it. Gorgons aren't exactly feared, a lot of people just tend to stay away from them.
- Cyclopes: Cyclopes are 1 eyed creatures that are naturally fairly tall (7ft) but can increase their size as well. They are known for their incredible craftsmanship allowing them to create all kinds of things. Generally, the species has no natural alignment like humans. They are also held to high regard due to their crafting skills.
- Dwarfs: Dwarfs are short organisms that dwell in mountains and in the earth, and is associated with rocks, the earth, technology, craft, metal work, wisdom, and greed. They are hard working, often hard partying, pragmatic and stubborn to fault. They are technologically advanced (for their universe) being equally as smart as Elves. The trait that really puts them on the map is their immunity to esoteric power. Dwarfs have mixed receptions from across the world. Others think dwarfs are awesome, others hate them.
- Orcs/Ogre/Troll: These are a collective group of organisms that have unknown origins of creation like the base species (Humans, Elves, Beasts, Dragons, & Monsters). They aren't the same species & have genetic differences that separate them.
- Giants: These are humanoid beings of prodigious size and strength common in the mythology and legends of many different cultures. Most obvious changes are increased size (ranging from relatively normal-sized but big to huge to closer geological scale), strength and endurance. There are differences between each classifications though; general Giants look like large humans, Ogres are more monstrous in appearance can literally eat anything (the evil ones prefer humans), and Trolls have some natural supernatural powers unlike their other cousins. Some of these beings are Sages. Giants/Ogres/Trolls generally live outside of societies of smaller species but some can be seen living among them.
- Elves: Elves are usually the most intelligent, 1 of the most attractive, & most arrogant species on Kepler. Most are incredibly xenophobic & dislike any "lesser" race. usually, Elves speak with accents of that of Australian people. Most member of the race are like this and are know for being scientists (rumored to be even mad scientists which the rumors are correct at times). Elves are supernaturally agile, flexible, & fast. They also have supernatural endurance & dexterity. They also have flexible & hollow skeletons along with elastic muscles which further makes them faster & able to maintain strength while in movement. They also posses Eyes of Sages (which reflects their Esoteric nature) which allows them to do various things. The Enigma Gene count in their gene pool is the highest among the species of Kepler; every member is Esoteric to the point in which they are considered Esoteric Entities which is what added to their pride.
- Dark Elves: Despite their name, Dark Elves are by far the most accepting & kind of the Elves. They share the same supernatural speed, agility, flexibility, endurance, hollow bones, elastic muscles, but they are much physically stronger than basic Elves. Half of the members of their race have the Enigma gene. Whether or not they are Sages, they ensure to master physical combat.
- Dragons: Dragons are 1 of the oldest species on Kepler, right next to Titans. They also are among the most powerful & respected species as well & has aided in the weaker species development. They are companions of Titans but Titans are more powerful than Dragons.
- Dragonkin: Dragonkins are any half-dragon hybrid. Dragonkins are among the most powerful hybrids on Kepler.
- Titans: Titans are transcendent beings created by Foreigners (us, the content creators; basically we/they are The Hands) that their own sphere of influence. Generally Titans sphere of influence can at times determine their overall power. There is a Titan for many things especially for each species for Kepler. Titans are divided between 2 categories: Peaceniks & Daemons. Peaceniks are the generally good Titans, reside in Elysium, & are lords of generally good things (life, land, etc.). Daemons are generally evil Titans, reside in the Nether realm, & generally are lords of evil/bad/negative things. For those who don't truly side with 1 or the other is just referred to as a Titan.
- Immortals: Immortals are the children of Titans & by their name are Immortal (they cannot die of old age or by any conventional means). They are very powerful (never lower then Dreadnaught level) & due to their immortality, has immense regenerative powers.
- Aseras: The Aseras are the hybrid children of the Peaceniks & Daemons & due to shunning for years have separated themselves & become a separate wrathful species.
- Revilers: Revilers are dark creatures that share characteristic with what we call "Demons". Not all of the are evil technically but most are evil creatures. They are generally very powerful with the weakest being Yakuza level. They are of a unique case with Esotery; they can freely use Esotery to use any application that is either dark/evil or neutral aka "Nether Esotery". Most are evil & serve Daemons. The neutral ones reside on Kepler hiding. Those who are good will have lighter/more positive applications of Esotery.
- Reviler Lords: Reviler Lords command lesser ranking Revilers & serve as generals for Daemons. These Revilers (Lords) are always of Dreadnaught levels of power.
- Kobalos: Kobalos is any half-Reviler hybrid organism. These beings usually inherit their Reviler parent's power & Esotery.
- Ascended Reviler: Ascended Revilers are Revilers that have rebuked their alignment with Daemons & the Nether Realm & have chosen a path of light. These Revilers don't even kill.
- Venerits: Venerits are the opposites to Revilers. They are light creatures that share characteristic with what we call "Angels". Not all of then are good & are kinda = to "Fallen Angels". They are just as powerful as Dark Spawns generally. They also have a unique case with Esotery; they can freely use Esotery to use any application that is either light/good or neutral aka "Ather Esotery". If they are Fallen Venerits, they will have darker applications.
- Venerit Lords: Venerit Lords command lesser ranking Venerits & serve generals for Peaceniks. These Venerits (Lords) are always of Dreadnaught levels of power.
- Neráida: Neráida is any half-Venerit hybrid organism. These beings usually inherit their Venerit parent's power & Esotery.
- Fallen Venerit: Fallen Venerits are Venerits that have alignment with Peaceniks & Elysium & have chosen their own shadier path, or out aligned with the forces of the Nether Realm.
In Species Variations-[]
- Deviants: Deviants are organisms that have been genetically altered to have special abilities.
- Metas: Metas are organisms naturally born with the Glimmer Gene.
- Werebeasts: These are organisms "afflicted" by the Daemon Belial, the worthless, in an effort to raise kaine of earth. These organisms are feared among other species including Humans Sages & normal humans until proven otherwise.
- Werebeast Lords: Werebeast lords are powerful powerful werebeasts. Werebeast lords command legions of werebeasts of their specific sub-class.
- Wereavian Physiology
- Wereamphibian Physiology
- Werebat Physiology
- Wereboar Physiology
- Werecat Physiology
- Werecoyote Physiology
- Weredragon Physiology
- Wereinsect Physiology
- Wereprimate Physiology
- Wererabbit Physiology
- Werereptile Physiology
- Wererodent Physiology
- Werewolf Physiology
- *Werehyena Physiology
Quasi-States of Beings-[]
- Avatars: Avatars are seen as cosmic heroes/villains & often confused with Immortals as well. This is often shown to be wrong when they easily defeat Immortals. When their place in power hierarchy is understood, they are viewed as serious threats/or saviors because what ever they’re the avatar usually tells their alignment.
- Sages: Sage organisms with Esotery Arts. They are empowered by esoteric forces too.
- Grim Reapers: Grim Reapers are beings who were able to transcend their deaths by means of Death. They are used to cut down the "wastes of space" and put them to good use as part of his army as Draugrs. They aren't spirits that guide souls to the after life (souls & spirits don't exist in this universe). They are generally feared and a common misconception is that they randomly kill people, but in fact they actually just destroy the mortal shell of their victims and transfer their life-force into the body of a Revenant.
- Reapers: These are half-Psychopomp children that retain their parent's power in some way or another.
- Zombies: These are undead creatures that rise and random times from their graves. Their existence is a result of a global affliction casted by Tarkanen, Lord of Death. These undead beings can be Mummies, Skeletons, or basic zombies. If they were Sages in their past life, they retain their power. Zombies are feared among various species and viewed as species that need to be exterminated.
- Revenants: These are organisms that are reanimated to serve Death. One can become a Revenant by means of someone reviving them or place this cast on themselves in the case of their death.
- Zombie Lords: These are powerful zombies. As ruler of the undead, they retain their rational sense of self-awareness, being able to think, plan and articulate their actions and motions. Being the lord of the undead, they have undisputed power over all types of lifeless corpse types be it Revenants to Skeletons, Flesh Golems, Mummies, Ghouls, & even Zombie Hybrids. Zombie Lords have greatly superior physical attributes, most prominently the corpse in question will be moved by powerful forces that give them phenomenal and malefic powers. A Zombie Lord is incredibly difficult if virtually impossible to truly dispatch, their ability as such is their all but unassailable tenacity. No matter what one does with them they can never truly be stopped forever they can only do so momentarily, and be detained more often. It is rare for someone to truly dispatch them.
- This universe is a mixture of various fictional works but most of all, this is suppose to be a yin & yang mix of anime/manga & comic books.
- The anime aspect comes in when dealing with power systems & powers that are flashy, names to moves, & various references to Japanese culture. The comic book aspects comes in when using real life science, a wide range of powers, various ethnic backgrounds, & the usage of alternate dimensions/timelines.
- The summary of this story is "what if My Hero Academy was a comic book" & then I made it dark tackling real life issues that aren't discussed enough.
- My hope is to draw various anime & comic fans but most of all to give power to my people (Black people) along with other racial minorities.