Superpower Wiki


Craft is the study of a specific phenomena be it natural or preternatural. These different phenomena each come with different training regimens (& some times martial arts). Craft also at times comes with preforming gesture & motion casting as well. With Craft, 1 usually conjuring various energies/essence/particles. Craft was created by the Titan of knowledge, Scientia.


The applications of Craft, once again are virtually limitless but is based on ones knowledge of the art & their training of said art. One of the most basic applications of this is being inhumanly physically powerful to various degrees. Usually, users channel external energies/particles of specific arts to achieve their desired affect but if one replaces their source with a more flexible/adaptable source, the user can rely on their own source that no one else can access giving them an even better edge. This most common source is Chi.

Craft Arts - (* = means pages I created myself)[]

