Superpower Wiki


Akuma's are a hybrid race. Their heritage is mixed with:

Akuma's genes were unstable & they were genetically unstable. The race was literally degenerating. Soon, one of them found a an orb that granted 1 wish. The Akuma wished for their genes to mix perfectly, taking bits & pieces from each race & combining to make something stronger. Their genes repaired & they repaired back stronger than they were before becoming Apex Predators. There final mixed biology makes their appearance is variable & they even developed their own unique powers. There are classes to the Akumas actually. Each class displays a certain field of expertise. The class are: *determines how rare


Akumas personalities vary from person to person. Most of them are very strong willed & are ready to fight if someone brings it up. They are confident but not arrogant due to them being true warriors. They up build the weak & powerless. Some Akumas can be a little shy & not believe in some of their abilities.

Akumas are kind of gruff towards other races because most other species assume sense Akumas are Apex Predators they are monsters. This is proven wrong for the most part because Akuma's have tremendous amounts of self-control which is why their immense sexual emotions don't control them (like almost every other species does).

Akumas usually take a job that entails their powers such as blacksmith, soldier, bodyguard, bounty hunter, alchemist, etc.

When is comes to ideal body types in male Akumas' eyes, as long as they ain't tooth picks, they don't care. Physically strong & aggressive females (like Zarda 1610) is considered an achievement. Personality wise, they like women who are strong willed, aggressive, & aggressive &/or violent. Some male Akumas do settle down with more elegant & pure women (Like Zelda or Mitsuri Kanroji).

When it comes to ideal body types in female Akumas' eyes, as long as they ain't tooth picks, they don't care. They don't mid settling down with male Akumas because being with a muscular man is in their nature. When dealing with men outside their race, they prefer them shorter then them & with a personality weaker than theirs's. They like being the dominant one in the relationship. If a male outside their race proves physically as strong as them, they will fall for them but won't show it unless he either gets them to break down (rarely) or they feel he deserves to know that they have won them over. Upon admitting their feelings, they pursue them & hit on them rather aggressively & chase them down like Mitsuki Bakugo .




  • Not all Akumas have all of these powers & skills. It is vary rare that an Akuma has all these powers.
  • Some of there powers can be counteracted with enough power or with the right power
  • They can still be defeated if the opponent is strong enough.
    • While they can slay divine, transcendent, demonic, etc. being, those beings still have a fighting chance depending on their own power.
    • While they are moderately resistant to matter manipulation, strong enough matter manipulators can harm them.
  • Not all Akumas known how to use their powers. It takes time & practice for them to gain access to master & gain their powers.
    • They need to go through a special form of training for each umbrella power. For example, the training to increase their condition is much different from the training to access their Quintessence Force.
    • They need to go through special training for their Psionic powers.
    • They either need an affinity for Alchemy or need to study & learn how to use Alchemy.
  • It is extremely rare for an Akuma to have a decent amount of powers & have Alchemy/crafting as well.
  • If you call an Akuma, they will go postel.

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