Superpower Wiki
Bluff City

Power Levels-[]

The following power ranking system applies to all of my stories.

  • Bruh: Beings in this level of power just don't need to be crossed unless you got God on your side. People of this power level are Perpetua, The One Who Laughs, the Great Darkness, etc.
  • Beyond Zenith: Members of this category are capable of destroying multiple universes.
  • Zenith: Members of this category are of technically immeasurable power levels and have a lot f influence/charisma. The weakest members are capable of destroying multiple galaxies and the strongest members are capable of destroying an entire universe.
  • Dreadnaught: Members of this category are of planet level of power and influence/charisma. The weakest members of this group are capable of destroying entire planets and the strongest members are capable of destroying multiple planets.
  • Lord: Members of this category are of country level of power and influence/charisma. They weakest members of this group are capable of destroying countries and the most powerful members are capable of destroying entire continent.
  • Yakuza: Members of this category are of city level of power and influence/charisma. They weakest members of this group are capable of destroying an entire city and the strongest members are capable of destroying the city along with it's outer skirts.
  • Sigma: Members of this category are of power is street level of power and influence/charisma. The weakest members of this group are capable of destroying buildings and the strongest members are capable of destroying an entire city block.


On earth, there are 2 species (each having subspecies); Homo-Sapiens and Meta-Sapiens. Meta-Sapiens are humans who are born with superpowers. They have existed almost just as long as humans and have been confused with various other creatures/beings of mythology. As time went on and as science developed, they were discovered to organisms of science. Unexpectedly, they weren't evolved humans, rather, they share the same basic genome. Meta-Sapiens just have a common gene that gives them their powers. There powers became known as "Marvels".

As expected, there are those who use their Marvels for good, evil, and everything in between. Eventually, there legal establishments/terms for helped organized the chaos a little. "Heroes" are Meta-Sapiens who use there Marvels for "good" and are legally registered into governmental databases. A "Villain" is a basically a Meta-Sapien terrorist.

For those who are in training are referred to as Paladins. Not all young ones want to be heroes and wish to be villains. Those young evil doers are called "Adversaries" but can be considered legally terrorists if they do enough.

Another difference to this world is the existence of various alien species.

Societal Changes[]

In big cities/metropolises, it is a known fact that aliens exist but doesn't really affect everyday life that much (like metropolises being somewhat of a haven for lgbtq members rather than smaller towns). In smaller towns and living areas, they are sheltered from this reality. Governments have encountered good aliens and bad aliens. Sometimes, the governments wronged the aliens and have incited hostile responses.

Here, Heroes can diverge even further into 2 separate categories. Those who work for the government are called "Gargareans"/"Amazons", have a pay check, health care, dental, retirement, and upon death a soldiers burial. Those who are privately funded are called Legionnaires. A "Vigilante" is Meta-Sapien who users their Marvel purely for their own agenda, with no official financial baking of any sort.

There are those who wish to grow up and become Gargareans/Amazons. Governments across the world have established official academies for training young ones into Gargareans/Amazons.



Meta-sapiens are humans who are born with powers. Their physiologies have adapted to their powers in order to achieve maximum efficiency, be immune to their powers, and generally abide by the laws of physics.

  • Mutant Meta-Sapiens: Mutant Meta-Sapiens are Meta-Sapiens are that are born with more than 1 Marvel and have a physiology that has adapted to both Marvels.
  • Meta-Sapien Lords: Meta Lords are the strongest Meta-Sapiens on earth (Dreadnaught +) and have authority over the wills of lower ranking Metas. This isn't just mind control. What the Lord Meta wants, will become what the lower ranking Meta wants. Mutant-Metas can be Lords as well.


Homo-Sapiens/Humans are the other inhabitance of the Earth next to Meta-Sapiens.

  • Mutant Humans: Mutant Humans are humans who have taken an illegal substance dubbed "Elixir" which is the harvested DNA of Meta-Sapiens. Injecting themselves with this substance grants them super powers but their physiologies will not be adapted to their powers and leaves room for their powers to be double-edged.


Falurons are humanoid carnivorous plant aliens who are generally peaceful (when not hungry) and welcome other species to their home. They are tribal to a certain degree in the sense that they have tribes but they are advanced enough to develop bio-technology. These aliens are inhumanly strong, fast, durable, and agile among other things. They can generate and manipulate chemical energy and plants in general making them a powerful species.


Savitorians are a humanoid race of aliens from planet Savitor. Savitorians are an alien race of speedsters and as a result of being such things have a variety of other powers as side affects that allow them to handle their powers. They are an advanced race that has establish a race wide trait of organites that allow them to control their perception to adapt to their speed but not be faster than everyone else all the time. Also due to their organites, they can breed with any race easily because their genes adapt. In general, the race is of the good side but few have chosen crime.


Orionites are a race of techno-organic aliens that are among the most technologically (if not the most technologically) advanced species in the universe. They have various tech-based abilities. Due to them still be organic, they still have emotions and have hearts. The technological side of them has changed their view on some things but the most notable change is their increased brain capacity and comprehension. This resulted in them developing psychic powers. Species wide, they are generally neutral in the since there's a decent mix of good and bad among them. Due to their unique genetic make up, they can breed with generally any species due to them being able to program themselves. Usually, if they have a child with a 100% organic being (like a human), the child with have nanite active blood, various cybernetics that they can morph at will, and are espers.


Kurtzimites are a race humanoid aliens from planet Jacobos or Planet X. They are known for their moneky-like tails, their immense ergokinetic powers, and their raw physical might. They are a chivalrous race that sees it as their responsibility given to them by the universe to protect it. They are also known for terraforming planets with their ergokinesis and giving it to other species.


Mordites are a hostile, violent, vile alien race from the planet Axon. They are predatory race, hell bent on war and conflict. They consume entire planets, feed on other species, dissect species to see how they tick, and breed new desirable traits into their genome. They have a natural affinity for death, have immense physical prowess, their manipulation of their bio-fields, and their host of natural weaponry make them all the more dangerous. They are at the top of the food chain & consume entire galaxies. They are opposed to Kurtzimites.


Tetramorphs are a race of powerful shapeshifting aliens who are from planet Absulom. Their shapeshifting powers are so great that at even a young age they can mimic inorganic materials. Their with time and training, their shapeshifting can reach to omnifarious realms. They are naturally very large (7 feet), have 4 arms, and have tails. The species as a whole is neutral in the since that there is a 50/50 mix that they are doing good or bad with their powers.


Quasites are race of humanoid aliens that are the cousins of Kurtzimites and share the same goal as them as well. They mirror Kurtzimites in every way except they aren't ergokinetics. They control matter on various levels.

Infinitity (in-fin-titty)-[]

Infinitities aren't exactly a race. They are more of a state of being. Infinitities either come about spontaneously as a maintainer of balance in some form or fashion. Each Infinitity has a domain of influence and their personal power level varies from being to being. They weakest Infinitity was recorded as Zenith level.








