Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

Rules Update[]

Hello, everyone! This is just a quick announcement to alert you all to a small change in the rules of the wiki regarding sexually provocative material. We changed Rule 2h in the following way:


2h. Do not add pornography of any kind to any page.

   2h.a. This includes but is not limited to written, visual, and audio formats.

    2h.b. Links to said material are also violations.


2h. Do not add sexually explicit material to any page. 
   2h.a. This includes but is not limited to written, visual, and audio formats. 
   2h.b. Links to said material are also violations. 
   2h.c. Mentions of sex are acceptable, but content that is made for the purpose of sexual arousal is not acceptable.

This change is to bring the wiki in line with the Fandom Community Guidelines  regarding sexually explicit content. Currently, we can see a lot of sexually provocative material on the wiki - look almost any page and you can find some Valkyrie Crusade character or the like nearly nude, sometimes even in the Infobox image! This makes the wiki harder to take seriously, and comes dangerously close (sometimes even going beyond)  the limits laid out by the Community Guidelines.

So, what content does this affect? Like the community guidelines, we ask you to look at content and aks yourself - is this here to give a clearer idea of what the power is/does, or is this content intended to be sexually arousing?

This means that most pages that directly mention sexual body parts, such as 'Hypnotic Breasts' and 'Pectukinetic Combat' are not acceptable, because the intent of them is pretty clearly to arouse. The same rule can be applied with images - an image of the Birth of Venus painting on a relevant page is probably fine, a scantily clad monster girl from Monster Msume is definitely not.

If you find pages that are inherently sexualized (such as Supernatural Breasts is/was) you should mark them as Violations by adding them to the Violations category.  If you find images that violate this rule, you should go the image's page and add it to the Violations category and then remove them from where they were linked - if it's an infobox image, try to replace it with a non-offending image from the gallery.

Hopefully with this change to the rules we can work towards making the wiki a friendlier place for everyone. Happy editing!